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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

12/28/10 Last heavy day, End it with SQUATS

Last heavy day before my first PL meet just wanted to work up to a heavy single.

Back Squat

415x2 PR

I had to go for the 2nd as the first rep was so crappy with my knees caving in. FOCUS KALLE!

I am very happy with my back squat training has went in 6 weeks. This is the first time in years i've back squatted this long every week. I still make stupid mistakes on the lift but I am going to give it more attention in 2011 and hope to start putting up some big weights.

3 rounds

Front Squat 185x3
Pullups x7

4 minutes

Ab rollouts


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Squats and Thoughts

Anyone else have odd goals? One of my all time long goals is to have legs that total circumference is equal to my total height. I would need 33" legs Just about 6" on both legs to go :)

Back Squat

add belt
add knee wraps
390x3 pr

blah screwed up bar position on my back, 2nd rep was crap or else I would have went for 5


18" 2" Axle Deadlift

Up to

400x17 in 75 seconds.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

12/19/10 Log Press

Upper back is torched after deadlifts yesterday, hell I have pretty much been in a constant state of DOMS for a month. 1 more week and I can rest!

12" Log Clean & Press

ahhh this is about equal to last weeks 200x8 if you believe rep calculators, I was way fresher going into last week and my technique was off. I am trying to do my overhead pressing in as beat up a state as possible to simulate contest conditions so good all things considered. 10lb PR would have been nice though :)

Pull ups


2" Axle clean & Strict Press


Saturday, December 18, 2010

12/18 Deadlifts



5" deficit deadlift



405 3x5

Ab rollouts


My speed off the floor is abysmal right now. Couple reasons for this I think.

1. Not doing front squats, these have really help my speed off the floor.
2. Going heavier on back squats then I ever have before. This will of course allow for less recovery and not be as fresh to deadlift.
3. Going really heavy in the deadlift for a million weeks in a row.

I think I will just do deficit deads next week as a break. or not dead at all two weeks out from the powerlifting meet.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

12/16/10 Bench



Tried to work on leg drive, I think I got SOME first set paused, pretty easy. Probably be my opener LOL

Pushupsx70 in about 90 seconds 55 in 60 seconds this sucked!

BO BB Rows

255 3x5

Axle curls


Last WEC ever tonight should be awesome.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12/14/10 Squats

Back Squat
370x5 ALL Time PR+5lbs
370x5 for 2 sets

Felt good....... Pretty easy i think I should have went for 8 reps on the 1st set

OH Squat

Damn these hit the upper back and "core"

Super set


85 3x8

Band ab pulldowns


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Log Press

My Whole back, abs and hamstrings are just dead from the training this week and particularly deadlifts yesterday. Thought I was going to take the day off but why would I do that?

12" Log C&P


really should have had 10, probably should have pushed for it, I need to remember to pause for a second at the top even if the first few reps feel easy so I don't run out of gas.

Super Set

A1) Axle strict OH Press

123 3x10

A2) BB Row

185 3x10

Hammer curls

55s 3x8

DB front and side raises

Band face pulls

about 45 minutes of hiking. The start is up a very steep hill, running up it is easier I'll do that for now on.

REST tomorrow

Saturday, December 11, 2010

12/11/10 Deadlift

Stayed up till 3am watching Alistair Overeem obliterate in K1 it really was awesome. Despite this felt decent and it being pretty damn warm out for December, just sweating like crazy.


455x5 BLAH didn't feel 100% for this, think I was stupid and had my grip off. plats were not hitting the ground at the same time. This was an ALL OUT not long ago, its an easy lift an off day now with imporoper setup so cool.
455x1 no straps, yes grip is not a problem

Axle power cleans

173 3x5

Axle deadlifts

343 2x5 alternating grips


hanging leg raise

Hill sprints in a bit

Thursday, December 9, 2010

12/9/10 Bench

Oh man intensity -10 today I've been sleeping insane amounts after the assault on my CNS this last week.

Bench Press


wow easy, I think i figured out how to bench press just in time

Military Press


and forgot how to military press? Its crazy times people

Pull up

BW+25lbs 5x3



incline db flies

Friday, December 3, 2010

well I just had to deadlift today, The program had 455 for reps but then I got called out by a friend I am having a race to 600lb deadlift with to do 500 so .......


add metal pro deadlifter
505x3 PR+10LBS

I really lost my tightness and let the 3rd rep get way out in front of me with a huge bounce which made it a tough pull and vanquished my goal of 5 reps. Oh well first time pulling over 500 for reps previous pr was 495x3

did a few axle power cleans and axle deadlifts but after that pull I am in a deadlift fog so I cut it short, going to go chop wood for conditioning and train some events tomorrow.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

12/2/10 Military Press

Military Press (paused at bottom)

barxwho cares

Left shoulder bothering me a little so just got the prescribed reps, Big weakness right off the shoulders for me, thats why I am pausing all of them

Super set

Pull ups BW+10 3x8

Dips BW+10 3x8

Hanging Leg Raises 3x8

big circuit

Axle Reverse curl 3x8

Axle curl 3x8

DB Lateral raise 3x8

Band face pulls 3x15

Easy little day, nothing exciting but still got some work in.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Back Squat

335x8 Ties all time PR

go a little deeper next time, squats felt so damn easy. I got a little bored mid set, you can see me just look down and not respect the weight..... going up to 365 next week.

Super Set

Decline situps weight held at arms length

45 3x8+10lbs


55 3x8+10lbs

Rolling thunder

5x3 with 90-130lbs I suck at these

Sunday, November 28, 2010

11/28/10 Log press and Bench

I helped a friend move some stuff this morning, came home ate lunch and had zero appetite. Felt like crap, napped for an hour then took some Jacked. Felt ready to smash weights!

12" Log C&P
235x2 missed 3rd

I was watching the insane video of Carlos Reyes pressing a 300lb Log and remembered the technique of putting your head ALL THE WAY BACK, stare at the ceiling it really helped. Should of had 3 but lost my breath bringing the log down for the 3rd. I think an all time 1rm PR is coming..... Next week

Close Grip bench Press

200x10 nice


Incline Log Press
185 3x8

205 3x8

Solid solid, no straps grip is awesome right now.

DB curls 2x8

DB Incline flies 2x8

Ab rollouts 2x10
Pinch grip 3 10lb plates per hand, left hand had thicker plates
30 second holdx2

Friday, November 26, 2010

10/26/10 Deadlift/events

BW 187..... Not bad considering day after thanksgiving. Funny how much better sweet potatoes are when made with brown sugar, butter, maple syrup and marshmallows.

Deadlift Dead Stop No Straps
430x5 probably a strapless pr, grip felt 100% solid which is biggest concern for the powerlifting meet. Pulling mixed grip and dead stop takes some getting used to so this is a good start. 455 for reps next week can't wait!

Damn the reps felt slow but look fast. Thats why I tape sets

Axle Power cleans
193x1 PR+8lbs I think

Axle deadlifts

303 3x10 dead stop mixed grips each set

Farmers walk 100ft


Backwards prowler drag through gravel
100' prowler+90 5 runs

BTW dragging through gravel SUCKS. I somehow managed to only fall twice, only one caused blood.

Now time to chop wood, move rocks, stack wood and demolish left overs.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

11/24/10 Overhead Pressing

I live up a gravel driveway, I had some time to dig out the drainage ditch today so the road doesn't wash out this winter. Ended up being a lot of work, so between squatting yesterday and all the digging I was pretty worn out going in.

12" Log C&P


Military Press (Paused)

Super set

Dead hang pull ups


1 arm db OH Press (strict)

55s 3x8, 1x6(L) 1x7(R)

Tri set 3x8

DB front raises
db curls
band face pulls

Shoulders are FRIED Log press is good, I had little pop from my legs after squatting yesterday, and digging today. but thats how I want it, press in worst case scenario. 220x5 is all time pr. Not far off

Paused military presses to work on power off the shoulders, pull ups where easy until rep 6 every set. the short rest breaks my shoulders where finally fried on the 4th set of 1 arm db presses.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

11/23/10 Back Squats

Right Now I am training for a powrlifting comp so I am going to start back squatting again. Kind of sick of front squats anyways. Should help to get my pure strength up over the winter.

Back Squat

OH squat (no belt)

135 3x5

Super Set

Crunches with weight held above head

35lb plate 3x12


45 3x12

Good day, happy with my squat for barely ever back squatting, really plan to get this lift up to all time levels and it will happen.

Time for Egg Nog

Sunday, November 21, 2010

11/21/10 Bench

Thankfully this isn't an event in strongman

Close grip bench
245x1 close to max lol

Super set


BO BB Rows

185 3x10

Hammer curls 3x8

this weeks training

11/17/10 Squats

OH Squat
205x1 PR+20lbs


Front squat


Back squat


This was tough!!!

11/18/10 Pressing

Log Press

Log push press 185x5


Pull ups dead hang


BB Military press

good starting point on the log, I want to get it up to 250ish in the next few months

11/20/10 Events

2" Ironmind Axle Deadlift

easy reps...... Damn i hate the axle ZERO bend in it and well of course the grip.

Yoke 100' no belt

Just working on speed and core strength..... damn shins already hurt

Stones to 48"
230,250,280 2 runs 280 was fairly hard the 2nd set. Cold today tacky didn't work that great and was an extra pain removing, Damn I hate removing tacky

then in the PM I hit some 18" deadlifts, haven't done the lift in forever and wanted to


635x1 PR+30lbs I think I need to get more of my plates to my new house didn't have any more room.

700 will happen

Thursday, November 18, 2010

2010 NAS Nationals Writeup

Where to start? I really didn't want to write this as I didn't want to come off as a whiny bitch, anyone who was around me last weekend has already heard it all! haha but that is why strongman is so great, I screwed up so its all on ME. I am really ready to put this contest behind me and come back better then ever for the next one. So I might as well write this to get it out of the way. I jacked my left wrist up about a month out and training suffered, This contest I feel like I did more then ever to be prepared for but also came in unprepared.

Made the 300 mile drive up over the mountains on Wednesday to Reno. No food/water and driving at 7,200ft at night got me a little light headed but easy drive and glad nationals was so close! Hung out, Corey Kenkel showed up a little before weigh ins, we went to weigh in at 11am with pediylate in hand. Weighed in at 173.5 or so. Ate a big meal and some Pediylate, The highest I got my weight back up to was 178. I really should have drank WAY more water and more snacks and gotten my weight up to 183 or so. Oh well lesson learned there.

Day 1 I was so damn nervous I woke up every few hours and didn't eat a real breakfast, just a bunch of snacks. It was warmer then expected which was nice, I really hate training when its cold.

first event 600lb Yoke/?? sandbag medley

Yoke felt SOLID I had two drops but I picked it right up without losing to much time, on these events I need to TRUST myself to be able to move faster. I can pick up whatever I want so if I drop it just pick it and start running again. sandbag seemed real light 180-200lbs?? fumbled the pick a little but then just picked it real high and started sprinting, I passed the 2nd place guy then got a little to excited, (i thought it was the 1st place) and forgot to breath, with having the sandbag so high I passed out for a split second. took me a few seconds to be able to pick the damn thing up and complete the course. Cost me 10 seconds and 1-2 points

Around 44 seconds. 4th place

second event 10" 150lb Slater Circus DB

I thought going into nationals this event would either win or lose a 175er the title and I was right. 150lb 1 arm press with something most don't have access to is a hard press. Well I was right, a lot of close attempts but I got a big fat zero. I had been hitting 140 for some singles in training on my home made DB But never hit 150. Can't really be disappointed, the one thing I should have really worked on is trying to get the right rack position even if I was not as strong with it off the bat.

third event Car deadlift HEAVY.

I was WAY WAY to overconfident going into this event, I mean if there is one event being 5'6 helps on it is a car deadlift. My deadlift has been going through the roof in training, last time my deadlift was this strong I pulled 13 reps on a car. Well this one was a tad heavier a little lower and a bit narrower. First I forgot my suit at home, I probably packed and repacked my bag 6 times but somehow still managed to forget a pretty important item. I strapped in and was trying to get air, I farted all over that damn car, sorry Brad Dunn! I pulled and pulled and felt it start to budge but thats all it was going to do. For some reason I tried to go almost into a full squat, then I tried my feet forward, my feet back. I tried ANY suggestion anyone had. Nope, nada no 175 lifted it but I should have. Here is a tip, if your good at an event but haven't done it in 10 months you just may need to train it once or twice to get the movement back in your brain.

I went to dinner with my mom and some family friends I haven't seen since I was 8. They probably think I am the an annoying arrogant asshole so they have a good sense of character.

Went to watch the end of the Womens competition wow that was impressive, the battle between Kristen Rhodes and Mellisa Garret was epic.

Went for another walmart run with Pat Wilson, Brandon McDonald, Brian Tabor. Hey us strongmen need our powerade 0 and bananas.

Day 2

Woke up a little early a little stiff but feeling better then expected. A real hot shower and a big breakfast helped. It was a bit cooler today which sucked.

Event four

Ironmind Axle C&P 200lbs clean each rep, 60 seconds.

Axle felt REAL light in warm up, A little easier to clean when off tires then bumper plates. I Double over hand gripped the first clean, pressed, EASY the first 2 where so easy i tried to keep that pace up, screwed my 3rd clean a little repostioning from over/under to DO which took something out of me and just gassed myself and missed my 4th. I should have trusted my grip and went DO the whole time, paced myself I could have gotten 5 like I have been in training. 1-3rd got 10,8,7 respectively so 5-6 wouldn't have exactly won me the contest. Still somewhat happy with this as I BOMBED this exact event in WA a few months ago.

I think there was a 3 way tie with 3 in 4th..... 1 more rep would have been nice

Event 5 230/250 keg 60' 500lb frame drag 60'

HOLY CRAP did this event suck, I was SLOOOOOOOOW with the kegs, something I am usually fairly fast at. I had zero and little time for the drag. I think I drug the frame about 18-22' before time ran out....... Another bad placing

Event 6, 500lb frame carry. OK my grip has always sucked, but damn this thing felt light. Having less control with the false grip i use it swinged a little, but I should have just SPRINTED and trusted my grip. As with every other frame/farmers carry in competition or training my false grip is good for about 11 seconds. On queue it just dropped out of my right (bad) hand at 11 or so seconds. Re picked and finished in about 18? seconds. I think this was 4th or 5th.... Slowest to complete. I am happy as it probably really is my best farmers/frame ever done in competition I just need to get my feet to move to under 11 seconds :)

Atlas Stones 220,260,300,330,360 to 54"

By this time it was COLD I wasn't paying attention and since I would be going close to first I didn't want to not have my tacky on, well for trying to be well prepared I ended up pacing in the cold covered in tacky and no shirt needing to pee for what seemed like 40 minutes. It might have been 5 but it was probably closer to 40. haha

I was a little worried about the high platforms, so I took a bit of time setting up on the first stone, HELLO you had nothing to lose and it was 220lbs! I was a bit faster setting up on the 260 and just threw it up. I sacrificed most of my tacky to the first two stones and my low back was pretty dead couldn't really get the 300 lapped. Oh well!

two stones in about 19 seconds? Think it was 3rd, maybe 4th. I could have moved fasted but oh well.

Well it was pretty disappointing but a lot of fun. Met a ton of cool people, whoever I ran into after 2AM I might not have made the best impression on but you probably where not in much better shape then me! haha

Just people watching is great when there is 150 or so strongmen, orange people with abzzz and a pedophile prom going on in the same hotel.

I have improved a lot but am far from perfect. I may never get there but will be a lot closer next time.

Friday, October 22, 2010

10/22 OH Squat/circus db

Power Snatch into Overhead Squat

Overhead squat
185x1 PR+30lbs

Circus DB
(each arm)
140x1,1,1 (right only) PR
95x5 both arms

frame hold x2 sets of about 40 seconds
frame deadlift

sandbag picksx5

decent day, raining outside so I modified the stuff, still very productive

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/19/10 Deadlift day

BW 181

add Metal deadlifter I guess I got to start pulling in it again with Nats coming up
405x5 supposed to be 3 but I just felt good pulling, haha
455x9 PR!!!

I had it in my head I could hit 10 which seemed real lofty but you got to go for it!
I don't put much faith in 1rm calculators but this is 30lbs over my previous best so that has to be a good sign. Also Just realized its 2.5xbw so to almost pull that for double digits. Pretty exciting, damn sure I have a 3x bodyweight pull in me.

Ring rows 3x10

70lb kettllebell swings 3x20

Now I feel like someone hit me with a bat........

Monday, October 18, 2010

10/18/10 Axle C&P

Trained a little over the weekend but was very busy.

Axle C&P
clean each rep

203 3x3
173x10 power cleaned each rep

I was making a few mistakes on my continental clean, so i fixed that, 3 easy sets of 3.....

Pull ups dead hang 3 second pause at bottom

3x10 pull ups are improving! did all these unbroken..... I

1 arm db press

65 3x8

db curls 3x12

face pulls 3x15

Thursday, October 14, 2010

10/14/10 Front Squats & Sandbags

Full Squat Snatch, working on ducking under so I can get a bodyweight snatch

115 3x3

Front Squat

250lb Sandbag picks 2x10
couple o carries YES! figured this thing out, one less thing to worry about.

ab wheel roll outs 2x12

Little Met con

3 rounds 123lb axle power clean 15 reps 15 burpees

done in 5 minutes 17 seconds

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10/12/10 Deads

My neck feels pretty much fused in place and it hurts to turn it to the side but can't miss a training day!



haha this is the 2nd time I have misloaded this weight, was supposed to be 430 tied what I got last time but this was damn easy, I didn't want to push it and give my neck some sort of a break. Next week it will be 455 and it will be a rep fest.

1 arm db rows 3x10

little circuit I think crossfit people call them a met con, whatever that means.

3 rounds

ring rowsx10
hanging leg raisesx12
db swingsx20

Going to get an A.R.T appointment for hopefully tomorrow and fix my neck and having a little bit of a left shoulder impingement, might as well correct it now.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekends training

10/10/10 Highland throwing with some strongman

some caber, sme lwfd, some more caber, log press up to 215x2 or was it 3? in the grass in a kilt.....

Setup a retard medley 145 log press clean each rep 5 reps throw LWFD 125-160ft run back backwards prowler drag 125-160ft then do 3 attempts or 1 flip on the caber

This sucked bad, that backwards drag was ridiculous and full of suck. I don't think this was well thought out as My whole left leg went numb what should I do next try to flip a caber! haha

did some more lighter log press, more prowler push/ sled drag. Doesn't seem like a lot but a lot was done.

10/11/10 Axle press

Thanks to Lucian for letting me borrow his brand new ironmind axle it helped as it is a slight different feel then my home made one.

Ironmind axle C&P

183x3* powerclean pr+7lbs
clean each rep
203x7 not sure if it was under 60 seconds but was close +3lb and +2reps pr
clean once
243x2 PR+3lbs and +1rep
123 clean each rep, 30 reps probably under 5 minutes

pull ups dead hang


1 arm db strict press

55 3x8

hammer curls 3x10

Saturday, October 9, 2010

10/9/10 Strongman events

farmers walk
up to 250x60' for 2 runs decent speed

Yoke walk 450x60'x4 runs

250lb sandbag LOTS of attempts and 1 carry for the full 60' which is a pr, then a ton of picks, I will be giving this a lot more attention in the next few weeks.

Stones 250 3x3 all the sandbag picks killed this

Didn't feel the greatest but it wasn't that bad, doing some highland throwing and some extra strongman stuff tomorrow.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

10/7/10 Front squat

Power snatch


Going to either go away from these or try to start doing a squat snatch and lighten the load. I've hit the wall of where I am going with these unless I improve technique.

Front squat

315x3 huge pr!


55 3x12

Decline situps plate held at arms length above chest

25lb plate 3x10 ouch

Tabata intervals on Airdyne these will never get easier.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10/4/10 Axle C&P 10/5/10 deadlifts


Axle C&P

230x2 PR+10lbs
3" axle c&P 3 reps clean each rep this thing is just retarded when you got hands like that burger king guy. tweaked something in my right trap
back to the 2"
170x10 clean each rep, power cleaned about 7 of them.

tried to bench but my left shoulder is still a little jacked from the stupid hammer throw Saturday.

Just finished up with 3x10 dead hang pull ups and 3x10 dips

10/5/10 Deadlifts

405x2 had my belt to tight had to breath a little regroup
405x12 pr+2 reps

zercher squat from the pins


ring rows 3x10

ab wheel 3x10

55lb kettlbell swing 50 reps

Intervals on the Airdyne 90 seconds above 5krpm 30 seconds rest, 5 rounds until my legs balloned up with lactic acid.

Monday, October 4, 2010

10/2/10 Santa Cruz Highland Games Writeup

This was my 3rd highland games and the first time I actually trained the events leading up to it, it kind of paid off, main these things are fun.

Braemar Stone 22lbs this is basically like a shot put from a standing position with a river rock.

I think I improved each throw, ended with 23'9" a 2'8" PR and one of my better placings of the day with a 4th. I got a lot of improvement to come on this.

Open stone, similar to the Braemar but it is 16lbs and you are allowed a lead up with usually a glide. I chose to fore go this and do it Braemar style to stay on the safe side as I haven't got my glide down at all yet. got 29' 11.25" my first throw then decreased about 2' every throw after that. I was real excited to bust 30' after my first but made a few mistakes on my next two throws. still a 3'6" pr.

Light weight for distance. This is basically a 28lb chunk of metal on the end of a ring with two chain links. You twirl around in a circle to build up momentum and throw the thing as far as you can. If you are good you spin around real fast like the weight is propelling you, if you are like me you look awkward and try to muscle the weight. I got 29' 8.5" on my first throw and again thought I was going to surpass 30' but nope, mistimed the trig (the area you have to stay in while spinning around.) and had to let my throw go early or dq on my last two throws. I will be practicing in a trig more in the future. PR + 3'4.5"

Heavy weight for distance. Same as the light weight but doubled in weight to make me look even dumber. Out of fear/respect I chose to stand still and chuck the thing underhand like a sissy. In training I will start learning the spin with the 56 but I try not to try stuff out at comps I've learned it usually doesn't work. Improved each throw and got 15'4" a 1'4" PR

Heavy Hammer: a 22lb ball on the end of a 3/4 piece of wood/pvc you spin around your head and throw behind you, if your good it looks like your throw would take out half a dozen charging invaders from 60+' away with the thing if your me you just want it to end.

I must have been busy picking flowers or doing cartwheels but I forgot to warm up and just started spinning a 22lb ball on a bendy stick over my head and pulled something in my left shoulder it went a whole 36' or so feet. My second throw I got 47'7.5" for a 17' 6.5" PR still awful, this is probably my worst event but still big improvement.

Weight over bar: Pretty simple, I like simple a 56lb weight on the end of a ring with no chains pick it up tuck your balls up nice and tight and swing it between your legs try to get good extension and throw it over a bar you are standing under. You get 3 attempts per height and it goes up in 1' increments. One of my favorite lifts as you can kind of muscle it. Opened at 9' which would be a 4" pr for me but I knew I was good for 10' today. First attempt the mix of meat pies and multiple Rockstar Recoveries from lunch where starting to kick in and I got some serious gas. I gave it a nice heave ho over my head let out a little fart on the release and cleared it for a 4" pr, I went and farted in shame so I could really try for a big pr on 10' which might have been a mistake as I missed all 3 of my attempts. I think at least two had the height but I either hit the bar or threw it straight up in the air. My 2nd throw was real close and I got a little animated and threw a mini tantrum which either the crowd enjoyed, I let out a few sounds which didn't sound human in an attempt to keep it pg13 for the family crowd (something I probably should have done in between throws.) this was probably my biggest effort all day. Lesson learned practice with a bar to throw over, doesn't matter how high you can throw it if it doesn't clear the bar. Also swearing adds height

then they adjusted the uprights into the clouds and brought out some pitch forks, at this point I got nervous as I had never done this event before and instantly regretted all the times I fought with my mom over not wanting to clean the horse stalls growing up. Who knew that would be something that would carry over in life. If I try to describe this it will sound like I made it up. But I really doubt anyone is still reading my carb induced ramblings after eating an entire quiche. So it is a burlap bag filled with haggis or maybe its yarn that you stab a pitch fork threw and then attempt to throw over a bar.

This one was set at a cruel opening height of 20' with a 16lb bag. trying to get the pitch fork to penetrate the bag brought me back to some awkward times as a teenager. But I didn't watch video after video of people doing sheaf tosses in the dark growing up before doing it. (is it in? is that where it is?) then when i finally got it in it just slips right back out and I break into a cold sweat and awkwardly just jam it back in and do 3 quick pumps put my head down and walk back just glad its over. The 2nd attempt went better actually almost resembling what is supposed to happen. the third felt like I did it right but the stupid bag snagged on the end of the pitch fork on the release and feel just shy. I think with a few more throws I would have gotten it. Almost no one maybe 3 people cleared 20' on the sheaf.

CABER!!! final event, after sitting around for an eternity waiting for the good people to finish the sheaf and the a and b class did their caber before u peons in the c class the event I was most excited for and the only one most anyone actually recognizes from the highland games. I was READY! Firs they brought out this little bity toothpick looking thing and my training partner tossed it in a manner that was just uncalled for. Which was hilarious but my ego prevented me from laughing to hard as they quickly chucked this caber back onto the truck which prevented me from looking uber rawsome as I was up next.

A slightly bigger but still somewhat small caber was brought out. My training partner flipped the thing pretty much perfectly but was not credited with a 12 but I think an 11.55 haha I then went and picked the thing up easy dropped my hips and did a pelvic thrust that would be called "daggering" in Jamaica http://www.medindia.net/news/Rough-Intercourse-Lands-Jamaican-Men-With-Broken-Willies-50091-1.htm the thing flipped over and I shoot my hands up in the air and held my position like a 12 year old Chinese gymnast holds her dismount knowing a slip will result in never seeing her parents again. I was rewarded with a 11.45 on my first ever successful caber flip and got 3rd in the event. I got a little to cocky and botched my 2nd, I made my third harder then it should have been but still managed to flip the 17' 60lb caber albeit off to the side.

It was a fun day, if I offended you with my horrible sense of humor at the comp well you stopped reading a long time ago. Big thanks to my training partners Lucian "farmers market" Atkins for your constant teaching the techniques for us meat heads and your hospitality and Tony "Tank Top" Salerno a big big congrats for getting a very well deserved 1st place, also for getting me motivated to work on my bicep peak again.

Great time hanging out with a great group of guys Highland games are something else.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

catching up

it has been HOT out here and I've been feeling a bit beat up, every two months or so I just feel like I need to take a week off, almost completely.

9/24/10 Front squat

Power snatch

worked up to a few misses at 175, closer then they have ever been....... I think I might need to work on this whole technique thing to progress more.

Front squat

up to 295x4 really wanted 6 but can't complain about doing almost 300 for reps

abs 3x10

some time on the airdyne

9/25/10 Strongman

DO AXLE deadlift pr of 260x1 and 240x3

accidentally misloaded my doombell with to much sand so it weighs 160. OOPS I got a little bit of pop with it but its a bit heavy..... 20lbs less then I weigh haha. Went back down to 115 on the 2" db and did a few sets of 3 reps each arm

went outside to 105* heat and decided today was not the day to push it already feeling overtrained going into a deload week so I went to the beach.

9/26/10 Highland training

LOTS AND LOTS of caber I think we trained the caber for 90 straight minutes between 4 of us taking turns learned a TON. Also some wfd and bramer training


on deload weeks where I do next to nothing I like to do light cardio but go for 1 big pr

so I went


505x1 Big pr at this weight 3x bodyweight will happen, unless I decide to gain a ton of weight again, and even then it will still happen

been doing some light bodyweight stuff, some big thanks (good) happened in my life this week so had to take care of those. Just resting up for my highland comp this weekend, hoping for some big pr's and to turn the damn caber.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/22/10 Deadlifts

9/21/10 I worked up to a 240 axle press, bench 205x9 3x8 dead hang pull ups and 3x10 ring dips


Skipped power cleans as I did enough with the axle yesterday


440x6 MISLOAD! haha oops supposed to be 430 Felt heavy, Shoulda went for 8 but it annoyed me how heavy it felt so I QUIT LIKE A BITCH!

DB Rows

85 3x15

Hammer curls

ring rows 3x8

Kettle bell swings

55x50 reps

Saturday, September 18, 2010

9/18/10 Strongman Events


Circus Dumbbell

55x3 each hand


125 2x5 HUGE PR

Farmers walk

240x60 10 seconds slight break then finish the next 30ft

Atlas Stones to 50.5"

280x 4 singles but very little rest between reps Every one was hard and a real grind but I hope these type of sets pay off.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Power Snatch
155 3x3 PR rep scheme +10lbs

Front Squat

280x5 DEEP and easy


45s 3x15

Situps with weight held at arms length

25lbs 3x10

Tabata intervals on the airdyne.......... OWWWWW

Three most sadistic Dr's of all time are Mengle, Moreau and Tabata

Power snatch's felt super explosive, I will throw up the sloppiest bodyweight snatch ever seen sometime in the next 6 months I swear to it.

Front squats went awesome, since my knees are feeling better I really sunk these next week is 290 for reps and I will try to push it past 5's for that maybe 8?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9/14/10 Deadlift

Power cleans
205 3x3 pr for rep scheme

405x10 pr technically I think.

I didn't really find the right groove like I did last week with the 365x15 but I hit the number i was aiming for all the same, just seemed unlikely after the 2nd rep. got a little sloppy and probably a little more bounce then I would like but it is still extra work then stopping at say 7. I moved my training max up because after getting 15 last week it was pretty obvious my training max was to low now that my back is feeling healthy. Getting 10 today on the 3's day shows I didn't make a mistake IMO.

1 arm db row

100 2x10 +2 reps over last week

DB Hamer Curls

55's 2x10

Ab rollouts


Hanging Leg Raise


Monday, September 13, 2010

9/13/10 Pressing

2" Axle C&P
warm up
200x1 had the collars on to tight and the bar wouldn't rotate in the weights! haha the clean killed my wrists! Loosened the collars up and tried again.
Clean each rep
200x5 PR+2 reps

Strict press 170x4 Ties all time pr but lot smoother reps and weighing 20lbs less

Close Grip Bench


did 185x14 last week but did more before these this week

Chin ups full dead hang

3x8 PR+3 reps per set

Can't believe how fast these are progressing


37s 3x8

Face pulls with average band



17s 3x6

Meant to do dips OOPS! I still feel I did enough, very happy with how my axle is progressing, clean is much much improved, did the first two DO which I don't think I have ever done, the DO AXLE DL's are really helping! Just got to keep this up, sending in my entry form to nats tomorrow. and setting up travel arrangements this week. I am committed!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend training strongman and Highland events 9.11.10-9.12.10

9/11/10 Strongman Events


220x4 PR+10lbs & +1rep

My broken thumb still hurts, haha

Front Squat

1 arm db press


Did not like how this felt today, then looking at my db which is just a 2" piece of pipe with duct tape in the center the duct tape slide so it was way off balance, so that is why it felt off! next week back comes out the DOOMBELL anyway

Yoke 60'
600x1 PR-13 seconds & no drops

Stones to about 50"

Had to combine workouts as this week was stressful and crazy but still got some good stuff done! Yoke is feeling Better and better, first time I have been able to load my 280 stone in over 6 months and I did 3 singles to 50" with it.


Highland throwing

worked on the hammer with 10lbs to work on technique I think I finnally figured out the stroke and got my hips into it, (thats what she said) I was getting some good speed on the bitch I won't look like a complete ass on this event anymore.

18lb Bramer stone I figured some crap out on this too and was averaging around 28' roughly would mean in my next comp I should pr on both stone throws

LWFD not sure the exact weight of the thing but I got the one spin a lot better, I still can't get the damn double spin down, got some throws over 30 so this is much improved as well

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9/8/10 Deadlifts

Power clean

205x3 PR+2 reps
225x1 PR+10lbs


365x15 PR+30lbs

1 Arm DB Row



65 2x6

55lb kettlebell swing 50 reps

ab rollouts 3x15 rough

I was going to do 205 3x3 but always wanted to clean 225 finnally got it...... ugly as all can be but I got it, even if it did kill my wrists

365x15 sucked, took a good 10 minutes to recover from it, but its all good!

cut the acc short as my left bicep is a little funky, it does that from time to time.

Monday, September 6, 2010

9/6/10 Axle presses and bench press

Threw highland games yesterday and a tough event session Saturday. I just felt like I was in a fog going into training today. Plus my damn shins where killing me so the axle cleans and presses where painful. But got to get it done!

Axle Clean & Press

220x2 PR

axle clean

200x5 wanted more but my damn shins where killing me, I'll build upon this.

CG Bench Press

barx a few
185x14 PR

Chin Up

BW 3x5

dipsx I can't count that high

Still a pretty productive workout, I had my grip to wide on the 220 set or else 3 was entirely possible, i'll go for it again in 2 weeks and get that, a few weeks ago I barely got 215, if it wasn't for the pain I was feeling these where fairly easy. Bench is improving which is odd. Maybe I'll have a half way decent bench press someday? never thought that would happen!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

9/4/10 Strongman Events

DO axle deadlift
210x3 +10 over last week

Farmers walk 80ft

210x2 both about 14 seconds

2" db press

55x5 each arm
75x5 each arm
105x2 right, 1 left
105x1 right 1 left

these felt off today

Speed yoke about 80-90ft
up to 400for 4 sets all 3 that where filmed where at 11 seconds haha

Had some trouble attempting a 200lb sandbag, went watched some videos, got some advice and went back and lifted it. carried it about 30ft, dropped it and the damn thing popped open OOPS!

About an hour later I went on a hike through the land next to my house. STEEP hills, and some sprinting thrown in, my dog hated it but he needs to get in better shape! Damn it is awesome to live in such a beautiful place in peace and quiet with great hiking in literally my back yard.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

deload week

I always have almost zero motivation going into a deload week, being full of antibiotics doesn't help at all.

Monday I worked up to 175 on the military press which ties an all time pr done at lowest bodyweight. Closest I have been to a bodyweight strict press which WILL happen Even though my weight has creeped up a little lately. missed 185 at my forehead :(

did a few sets of pull ups deload deadlifts nothing exciting.....

Tuesday I went and saw Slayer/Megadeth which was one of the best live shows I've ever seen. Great time it was insanity.

Today (9/2/10)

Power Snatch

155x1 ties pr
160x1 PR+5lbs
165x1 PR+10lbs

Front squat

195x5 *boring*

Hanging Leg raise



45 3x12

Tabata Intervals on Schwin Airdyne these made me hate life

This weeks training sucked, the antibiotics make me feel real tired and lethargic. I think without the Methyl Mass it would have been damn near impossible to do anything this week. Can't wait to be done with these! I have decent strength but I just hit a wall quickly then don't recover well and end up just wanting to sleep all day. I will push this aside Saturday and smash some events though!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

8/28/10 Events

Doudlbe overhand Axle deadlift


Yoke 60'
600x70' 1 drop

This was ok everything is harder on gravel! first time doing more then 1 set with 600 on the yoke, way ahead of where I expected to be with the yoke still about 12 weeks out

simulated car dl


Not sure how I feel about this movement.

circus db

55x6 3 each arm
75x6 same
105x6 same

easy presses need better collars to not have to worry about setting the db down

Medley Keg carry 250,225 prowler drag all around 60' (drag a little more)

accidentally carried the heavy keg first which threw me a bit (couldn't remember which keg was which haha) wasn't sure how heavy to load the prowler as I didn't even know how it would go dragging it through pretty high pea gravel. I think I had it with 210 of weights+ the weight of the prowler I had to be real deliberate with my feet so couldn't be fast but still did it in just under 60 seconds so this is a good sign.

Atlas stones

230x6 over 42" yoke bar. easy reps wanted to start light as I have plenty of time and wanted to build the confidence up as I have struggled with stones and haven't trained them in awhile. It was a little impromptu setup as after the move I don't have the spot for my stones setup, A small piece of wood laying around so I focused way to much on trying to make sure the stones didn't roll into the gravel which i was unsuccessful with. Next week this will be taken care of.

Over all a long event day I don't usually train that many events but if I want it I got to do it. I have felt a little off all week and I think I now know why. I tried a mma class ONCE earlier this year and proceeded to get a staph infection on my chin it cleared up after awhile and then flared up again with my throat swelling up. Well today this progressed real fast so I got to go to the doctor in the morning and get some antibotics in the morning. Real annoying thankfully it is a deload week and I just hope it doesn't zap my strength and the progress I've been making lately.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

8/26/10 Front Squat

Power Snatch


Front Squat



35 3x15

Decline situp 10lb weight behing head


hill sprints 10 minutes, should have counted how many trips but it sucked!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8/24/10 Deadlift

Power cleans




1 arm db row

75 3x10

hammer curls

55s 3x8

ab rollouts


kettlebell swings

53lb 3x20

I felt like garbage, it was real hot and I didn't have it in my today. On a good day I can get 10, rest up tomorrow and get back at it Thursday.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Highland games and benching

8/22/10 Highland games throwing

Did some wfd with a 10lb weight
some 16lb hammer throws then down to 12 to work on technique I think I finally got the technique down so I am sure at my next games pr's will be obliterated.

Bramear stone,

more hammer

some light log presses

some tire flips

8/23/10 Bench Press

man my back was tight coming into training it took forever to get warmed up, Doing this I ended up taking Methyl Mass about 45 minutes before training which I think was awesome. as I usually wait about 15-20 and I noticed it really picks up a little into my workout. So I think this worked out well.

190x12 PR+10lbs


BW 4x20 PR

chinups band assist 3x10

behind the back wrist curl 3x10

This was a great training session, my training is going exactly how I need it to, strength is climbing, endurance is getting better, weight is staying the same and I am visibly leaner.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

8/21/10 Axle press and farmers walk

Damn got some sleep and ready to go, happy I know the events for nat's so I can start training specifically for them.

Axle clean and press (clean each rep)



clean and press for reps

150x8 for speed/endurance/explosiveness

farmers walk

up to 240 for 50ft

kept it short, going to train events saturday and sunday to get used to a two day contest so I'll increase the volume up over the next few weeks.

I was really working on having a fast transition from the clean to the press, happy with how that went. Need to get better at my clean but good for the first week.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Strongman Nationals Events and thoughts

The events for North American Strongman (NAS) Nationals where released today and my entry is in the mail!

Nationals will take place on November 12th and 13th in Reno, NV at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino.

It is a two day contest with 3 events Friday starting at 11pm! and 4 events Saturday starting at 1pm. I have never done a two day contest let alone 7 tough hard events so I am a little nervous about that but excited at the same time! If I reading it right and the first day starts at 11pm this is going to be crazy!

The 175lb class is being contested separately with different weights in some of the events. I think this is a great idea by NAS and something I have said would be a good idea for awhile now. Just real happy to see NAS giving a little more attention to the little guys and seems to me they might try to build up the little guy classes in 2011 which I am real excited for

Day 1 events

Event 1. Medley: 600lb yoke 60' 250' sandbag 60' 60 second time limit

My yoke is really coming along, the weight isn't to heavy at all. Just got to continue to improve on my yoke and get a sandbag and get comfortable with the pick, pretty confident with this event.

Event 2. 150lb 10" Giant DB Clean and Press for reps

Man this event is daunting but I think very crucial for me to take home the national championship. 150 is real heavy for a 175lber hell its 25lb under bodyweight press with 1 arm! My best is 130. I think I have a real shot at getting a rep or two if I train my ass off. If a few 175'ers pull a rep or two it will most likely really seperate them from the pack and that is my plan.

Event 3. Car deadlift for reps (Economy sized car) Side handles

This is a good event for me! Excited this is in nationals and that it seems to be one of the events that isn't lighter, which suites me.

Day two Start time 1 PM

Event 4 Axle Clean and press each rep 200lbs clean each rep

Happy the weight is fairly light, my axle clean is fairly slow so I really got to work on the clean, my press will be fine, key is fast and effective clean to not waste time and energy

event 5 keg load and sled drag everything 60' 230/250 kegs 500 sled drag.

Kegs have somehow became a good event for me so excited this is cardio cardio cardio! got to work on my sled drag

Event 6 500lb Giant frame carry 60'

Happy it is a frame compared to farmers as in my experince they seem a little easier to grip for me and they are a bit wider which keeps my hands away from my wide hips and legs, a problem I have with farmers. as it is one solid piece, the "giant" word makes it a little intidmating but glad it is not overly heavy.

Event 7 Atlas Stones 240,300,330,360,390 60 seconds

Basically I got to train stones hard.

Just putting my thoughts down, it really helps. Can you tell I am excited for my first trip to nationals?
Entry form says 100$$'s will be given out for each event win so I plan to win some $ in Reno :)

8/20/10 Front Squat

8/20/10 Front Squat

Yesterday I went with my friend 280 miles each way to pick up a GTO he bought and didn't get my normal meals in (btw wendys is great.) So I was real ran down today. Trying to muster up the energy to train this afternoon, I mixed two scoops of Methyl Mass together with 16 ounce water and as sipping it checked NAS website and saw nationals events where posted! I instantly got real pumped to train. That combo really worked :)

Power Snatch


Front Squat



Went back to the OLY shoes for my squats as well, positives and negatives to barefoot. Looking at the video real pissed at myself for not getting those last two reps for a 5lb all time pr. who cares next week I'll get 285x8

Kept it short, doing some events tomorrow AND sunday Going to get used to doing events back to back for Nats Got to bring it for that!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

8/18/10 Overhead Press

Little PM training busy work schedule!

two scoops and i needed it! For my job I am in my truck for at least 3-6 hours a day which can wear me out. I didn't feel real amped up going into today but a lot better then I did before taking Methyl Mass, Even though I didn't feel like it I had plenty of energy and strength and it never went away throughout the workout


Strict OHP

Axle clean and strict press
150x6 est 1rm 179

BW Dips

5x10 up it to 12 next week I want to work my way up to bw 4x20

BW Pull ups

3x8 (not sure why my pull ups been sucking)


1A bb curl

95 2x8

1B Y raises


1C Band tricep pushdown

average band 2x15

ab rollouts 2x10

Plate pinches

3 10s should have times them but damn my right thumb strength is still horrible and painful

max time x2 each hand

The axle felt real strong I went back to wearing olympic shoes and felt a lot more stable. I don't know what happened the reps where flying up then on the 6th rep it stalled right above my head but I knew I was going to blast through the sticking point and I thought in my head this is a struggle but its going up which I think made me not push past the sticking point and wore my shoulders out so the 7th rep wasn't there. Stupid me just lift!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

8/17/10 Deadlift

8/17/10 Deadlift

Two scoops again for a little 7am training

Strength feeling great, still as effective as the first time I used it. Hopefully this continues. Can't say the same for all preworkout drinks.

Deadlift touch and go

Add straps
375x8 EST 1RM 475

Power cleans

185 3x3

BB Shrugs

225 3x10 no straps

Deadlift felt ok strapped up for the top set as my left bicep is a little tender and no reason to play around. I think I set my grip a little narrow and didn't adjust my belt right as my arm kept touching my belt really threw me off. Probably had 12 but oh well next time.

Man shrugs really hurt at first ever since I injured my trap/spine but the area feels better by the third set, train through the pain to improve!

Next two weeks I think I'll be training in the PM I got a few extra commitments at work for a bit so I have to rush my training which I don't like doing.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

8/15/10 Bench BRAH!


1 scoop EST Methyl Mass Pre workout, this is a later workout on a sunday so a little more laid back and I don't have to wake myself up as much to train at 11 instead of 6-7AM this stuff is great I want the bottle to last!

close grip Flat Bench

180x12 PR+5lbs

Close Grip Incline


185 3x8

Hammer curl

45s 3x8

DB Flies

30s 3x8

Saturday, August 14, 2010

7/14/10 Events

7/14/10 Events

axle clean & press

210xm clean

Yoke 100ft
belt on
490xlittle shy of 100ft


Keg load over 49" yoke
250 x 3 felt off

Took two scoops of EST Methyl Mass about 30 minutes before workout and woke me up good! Flavor actually tasted better this time. It isn't overly sweet and isn't real sour like some other pre workout drinks are. MM really gives me some intense focus, strength felt good as well.

Good first real day back at event training for the most part. My press has felt off at this lower weight, My continental clean (wow I think that is the first time I have spelled continental right ever, what now it is two!) is real off, It will go back up! Doing a drop set on my pressing to work on explosiveness think it will work out.

yoke, hate it, it got better as I went along but on the 490 I got a horrible position with it on my back so it was way more of a struggle than it should have been.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Catching up on training.

Did a Highland games on Saturday. It went OK despite not training the throws about half my throws where down and about half up from last year. All and all it was fun and being 20 minutes from my house I would have regretted not doing it. There is another highland games in October and it might have a 190lb class which I think i can do very well in. So I will be throwing 2-3 times a month to kill that. Also starting this week my training will be 100& geared towards strongman as I got to step it up to be able to compete at nationals.

Saturday I competed in a Highland games event. I haven't done any throwing in probably 6 months but was within a few feet of all my numbers from last year (except for the hammer which I bombed) despite being 20lbs lighter and down in strength got a new pr on the 56lb weight for height of 9' barely missed 9'6" Had the height

My traps and low back and grip are still sore from that going into todays training session.



355x8 est 1rm 449

Military Press

(full pause at bottom)

135x8 est 1rm 170

Dead hang pull ups


dips 3x10

I saved it on deadlifts fresh I have 10-12 easy (did 15 touch and go a couple weeks ago.)

This was my first time trying to deadlift and press in the same day and didn't like it at all, won't be doing that again!

Going to take tomorrow off and rest up for front squats Thursday.

8/12/10 Front Squats

So I got my Methyl Mass yesterday!

Took 2 scoops about 30 minutes preworkout not on an empty stomach Because I train first thing in the morning and like to have a good meal before training.

It mixed together real well in 16 ounces of water. Little residue on the bottom but just kept shaking while sipping, zero clumps!

The Tropical Fusion flavor tastes great, slight chalkiness but I would rather have that then the over sugary taste of a lot of energy drinks.

Didn't upset my stomach at all, (like super dump)

Within about 10 minutes I felt energized, not jittery at all like a lot of pre workout supplements I have taken. Just very focused and alert, hard for me to achieve as I am not a morning person.

Bodyweight 181

Front Squat



This was a horrible set of front squats, kind of scary on the 2nd rep never had that happen before, I think I widened my stance a little to much, My low back has been real sore which I think took my concentration off the lift. I felt strong though as you can see the reps flew up but just didn't feel comfortable. I am just going to do required reps on the front squat as I focus on my deadlift, overhead press and strongman events.


1A Overhead Squat

95 3x5

1B Pistols right leg only (as you can see in the vid my left leg is WAY bigger than my right and a lot stronger.)


Hanging leg raise toes touch bar


I am not going to go crazy on this day as you can't go all out every workout without running yourself into the ground I've learned. Just going to use this day to adress a few weaknesses.

Still have plenty of energy which should help me get some work done today!

Going to do some type of cardio in the PM

Sunday, August 1, 2010

8/1/10 Farmers Walks sq clean thrusters and pull ups


Farmers walk

190x100ftx2 runs

Didn't resort to false grip very happy with this! Grip IS getting better

3 rounds
135 squat clean thruster 5 reps
10 pullups chest touches bar

round 1 1.35
round 2 410
round 3 8.00

the squat clean into thrusters (basically straight from a front squat into a overhead press) where easy I actually got better at them in round three as I think this is the 2nd time I've done thrusters and last time was with 95lbs. Problem with me is I still suck at pull ups, but I am better at them than I have ever been and they are continuing to improve, just still a weakness.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

7/31/10 bench and 400s

7/31/10 Bench and 400s

Flat Bench

175x12 est 1rm 245

some kettleball 1 arm clean and jerk

1 arm circus doombell 125lbs for 3 singles

some ring rows

3 rounds

400m than 20 burpees

around 10 minutes

I seriously was running 2 minute 400s haha I am slow! Well I guess that shouldn't be surprising when I have never jogged in my life.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7/27/10 Deadlift and "Roy"



295x5 all DOH
335x15 touch and go


3 rounds

225x15 DL
24" box jumpx20


shit was hard son!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

7/25/10 Maxes

BW 181

Back squat


Strict Press



440x1 PR at this BW+35lbs


I never back squat, done to frequntly it screws my back up up, can probably tell from the video as I don't look that comfortble doing it, never have. Still happy to do 2x bw despite never back squatting.

Strict press garbage, shoulders had nothing. Been overworking them fresh could hopefully get 175. I better get a bw strict press soon!

Deadlift a lift I started to get good at, injured myself and just haven't been able to get it back since. I really think today I relearned the technique which works for me, 3 weeks ago I struggled to lockout 405 so this is good! Now getting stronger part. I'll get back to 500 soon.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

7/24/10 Bench and hell


Flat bench

190x8 EST 1RM 240 same as last week

Hell consisting of

3 rounds
20 push ups hands off at bottom
15 OH squats 95lbs

5 minutes 14 seconds

30 second rest

3 rounds
20 knees to elbows
15 muscle snatch 95lbs

9 minutes 52 seconds

Was pretty beat up going into this, got it done move on.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

7/22/10 Front squat kettlebells and pull ups


Front squat

250x8 +10 over last week think this may have been one of my better front squat sets ever.


55lb Kettlebell swings 63/42/21
Pull ups w/ Average Band 36/24/12

I hit a wall bad on these pure hell took 19 minutes 18 seconds

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

7/21/10 OHP C&J, etc


C& strict press

142x6 est 1RPM 170

C&J 185s 9 reps in 2 minutes 11 in 2.45


7 rounds

clean 185x3


good workout today!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

7/20/10 deadlift/crossfit workout



complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of

DL 315x7 (touch and go)
20 meter Sprint
14 pistols alternating legs (7 each)
21 jump-tucks
20 meter Sprint

Got 3 rounds + 4 pistols

couple minutes break

Deadlift 405x3

jump rope 3x60 seconds

Did my first pistol on Saturday found out I am decent at them, much better on my left leg.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

7/18/10 strongman and rings


Log Press


Farmers hold

210x30-40 seconds 2 sets PAIN! is my grip getting a little better?

3 rounds 9 - 7 - 5 reps

145 log 1motion press
ring pull ups
ring dips

8 minutes 15 seconds

Max strength is down, conditioning is up, grip might be getting better, very happy with how my pull up and rings progression have been going.

Friday, July 16, 2010

7/16/10 Bench and 400s

6.00 am training Bench press BW 181

Bench Press


Strict OH

95 2x15

dips 5x10

pull ups 5x5

chinup light band assist slow 2x10

5PM ran 400m rest 1 minute, repeat did it 5 times I suck at running!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

7/14/10 OH press 7/15/10 front squat


axle strict press
135x10 1rm est 180


80lb axle strict press 5x10

135 bb row 135x10

35lb kettle bell clean and press 5x10 each arm

no rest

7/15/10 front squat

240x8 1rm est 304lbs

3 rounds
hanging leg raise x10
24" box jumpx20
jump ropex100


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

7/13/10 AM training deadlifts

I did some push presses and jump rope Sunday. which was a mistake!

290x3 DOH
335x10 + 20 over last week this is a slow road back to the 5's! Giving up on straps though. My farmers walk grip constantly hurts me so I am ditching the straps 100% try that for awhile........

kettle bell snatch

35x40 right hand
21 pull ups assisted with light band after 5
kettle bell snatch 35x40 left hand
21 pull ups assisted with light band


elbows started to hurt so i called it. Way to many reps!

Real strength training starts again this week, still going to include some of this crossfit/conditioning crap as I am leaning up and getting better cardio.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


245 dl 9 reps
pull ups 8 reps
dips 8 reps
155 squat clean 9 reps

4 rounds in 20 minutes

Some ab work, and just stayed in dip position on rings, for 3x60 seconds. My stability sucks and this was hard.

went on a short hike till my dog gassed out

Went easy other than I suck bad at pull ups and have never done a full squat clean in my life prior to this but actually got the hang of it but they gassed me hard

Rest day tomorrow most likely but we'll see!

Friday, July 9, 2010

This weeks training




185 5x10

ab roll outs



Log press


pull ups 5 rep
ring push up 10 reps
log strict press 12 reps

5 rounds don't remember time


225 back squat 20 reps
hanging leg raise 40 reps (first 12 last whatever math hanging knee raise)
70lb kettlebell swing 60 reps

14 minutes 15 seconds

never used a kettlebell before wasn't to bad I suck balls at leg raises.