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Thursday, July 26, 2012

upper body kind of a deload

I've been pressing a lot and neglecting the little things. I felt a slight impingement so i went light and did some stuff with deep stretches 

Log clean and strict press

up to 185 3x3 

this is when i decided no pressing

dead hang pull ups


incline db flies


incline db press with elbows real low stretching the shoulders out


reverse ring flies 


front/side/rear delt raises


cheat curls

massive pump

mirror pictures


more mirror pictures

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

3 days straight of fun time


felt off did 2 sets with the axle C&P for Dallas, needed more rest

than did a few runs of 100ft duck walks that sure was fun......

Sunday did a little conans wheel light

and worked up to 650 yoke for 60 feet. fast one downhill one uphill


Power Snatch

205x1 PR+10lbs (press out) thought it was 195 but whatev's felt cool

Front Squat

443x not today buddy

shoulda tried 423 first all good

than ran around with a 210lb sandbag till my legs stopped working


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dallas day 1 events

Friday afternoon time to hit axle deads and circus dumbbell!

nap maxforce N.O than lifts!

Axle deadlift

410x15 PR

Circus dumbbell

150x9 !! big pr 90 seconds but i feel strong

half day of work than axle/famers/duck walk this afternoon


Thursday, July 19, 2012

upper body, back at blogging

Been busy and not really feeling like logging my training but of course still killing it.

Lately i get home after working all day drink my pre workout and have a real hard time getting going. I just want to nap but if i push through that after my warm ups I get fired up and still have good training sessions. Same way Monday when i front squatted 405x2 and was more of the same yesterday. No one is going to give you anything in this world but you can take from it whatever you want.

Close grip bench with sling shot

335x3 PR

previous best was 315x1......

weighted pull ups

BW+50lbs 5x3

just BW 2 sets of 12

super set

Incline db bench/incline db rows

85s 3x8

shoulder circuit of

side/front and rear delt raises 3x12

cheat curls


hammer curls


need to do more workouts like this they make my press go up and keep me sexy

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

i bench i press i pull

close grip bench with slingshot


omg so many repzzzz i feel like my triceps have been getting neglected lately. no moar. Must press 320 log

pull ups dead hang


z press

135 3x3

Axle clean & press

135 25 reps 2:10 seconds

thumbless grip on most cleans, i can't count

sooooooo many curls

so many

hanging leg raises

more curls


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

squat 405x10

Drove over to Crossfit Monterey after work to check out their new location and lift with some friends.

get to the business

Power Snatch

lots of reps with weights till i hit singles at

185 (no press out ties PR)
195 PR+10lbs felt good! thought about going for more but 10lb pr on snatch is good

Maybe someday I will even use my hips and stuff

Back squat

felt off on warm ups, quads felt SORE.

started feeling good
wrappy wraps
365x3 felt perfect now!
405x10 PR+5 reps or +50lbs felt damn good


try to breath

210lb sandbag carries did 2 runs

felt pretty easy other than my legs were already jello. i think it was about 100ft there and back, 2nd run i brought the bag straight back inside so i went at least 250ft with it.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dallas Strongman Fitness training 7 weeks out

Friday PM


Axle Deadlift

403x10 (+2)

felt light just had to stop to regrip, did 10 in 60 seconds than another 2 after

circus db

150x5 pr+1 rep

some left arm db work

Saturday events

Axle clean and press

up to 213x6 my clean transitions felt like shit oh wells. felt plenty strong

buddy was doing log press so silly me decided to do some

12" log press

275x1 PR+4lbs
300x you ain't getting this on a whim buddy!

felt real strong, the 300 clean felt pretty easy, it didn't feel crushing on my chest. i got decent pop. if i train my triceps heavy again and actually  do log presses

farmers walk 50'

up to 260 a hand in 13 seconds. i am sure that is a pr for me. let alone on freaking gravel

stone shouldering

with 230 and 250 stone, wanted to get a feel for it. it never felt heavy but i was making a few mistakes that will be corrected in san jose!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

throw another 100 on and squat, why not?

Been front squatting but driving home the thought just bored me and putting wraps on putting heavy stuff on my back sounded more fun

I planned on just hitting 455 or 405 for 5 reps or so but someone told me to hit 500 so I said what the hey.

Back squat

505x1 griiiiiiind PR
405x5 PR

Wanted more at 405 but my hamstrings felt tight

ab roll outs


2x12 PR

really would be nice for someone to put the weight on my back or help keep it there! this shit hurt

tabata sprints on airdyne for 6 minutes. this was hell, pure hell, i thought my legs were going to explode. I need that conditioning though yo.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dallas training 8 weeks out

feeling beat up but the show must go on it's all in your head buddy!

Decided to do the day 1 events Friday Afternoon (axle deadlift and circus db) and the rest Saturday got
to train how you compete!


Friday Afternoon

Axle deadlift
435x5 PR

Circus Dumbbell


huge pr that thing was heavy i had to drive so damn hard with my legs or it would never go

Saturday 8:30AM

Axle clean and press. clean each

255x2 missed the press on third PR

some yoke, nothing worth mentioning

suicide medley

all 50'

200 keg, 225 keg, 280 duck walk 400lb backwards sled drag

way better than 2 weeks ago. duck walk still sucks but i got a plan

felt off this week but still had decent training

Monday, June 18, 2012

strongman bachelor party, Let's all PR events!

My good friend and top HW strongman Robert OB Oberst's wedding was this weekend and since we are all training for Dallas Plat+ we got together the morning of the wedding to really kill events. It was a great group with me, Evan Hansmann, Robert Oberst, Deadlift Doug Carroll, Alex Whitaker, Eric Peterson, Chris Carroll, etc


Started with Axle clean and press, i wanted to go up to what the weights for San Jose are going to be and get a pr

255x3 PR
275x1 1 rep pr

felt good! cleans felt solid, happy with how good the axle has been feeling.

OB went up to 375 for a double which was silly easy. he just ran out of room on the platform due to happy feet. Eric hit a solid 375 as well

next up was yoke, they have one of the best yokes I have ever used so despite having horrendous tendinitis in my lower inside shin i was going to take advantage

hit 610 for 50ft in 13 seconds for a pr

700 in 28 seconds with 2 drops.... the pain made this hard i needed the yoke a little lower but its as low as this one goes haha it was a pr but i can really improve on this. Evan, OB and chris all went up to a grand which is just kind of crazy

and than we pulled a silly heavy v8 mustang convertible. Me, OB, Evan and chris got a rep with the handles out 4' we moved them into 3' and I got 6 and OB got 3. I'm still the car deadlift king!! :) i gave myself a black eye lifting that damn thing though, oh the feeling of your head is just going to pop off your  neck. 

I think the west coast is going to bring some heat to Dallas!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

squats of sorts

Power Snatch

Front squat

335x3 PR +20lbs

could have done 5 if needed.

Overhead squats


haven't done these in over a year. they are tricky.

Ab rollouts

+45 3x8

tabata sprints on airdyne

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dallas Plat+ Strongman Fitness training 10 weeks out

Drove up to core strength RX to get some events in. No time to rest because Dallas will probably be the most stacked class of 175's in 1 comp of all time!


Farmers walk with the awful oxygen tanks

I think i lost my moving event shoes somewhere between here and Seattle.

240x60ft 16 seconds wore some shit nikes way to squishy
240x60ft 15 seconds tried my OLY shoes. it felt weird but half way through got a fast stride

big progress but only the beginning

Axle Clean & Press

215x6 + 1 miss

felt solid! technique is good out of somewhere. Conditioning will improve and so will this event

little duck walk practice

17" deadlift with Texas squat bar

yes I did this Thursday but it felt like a fun idea. Using the squat bar since its stiffer and 1.25" the San Jose fit expo is using the old IFSA axle and wheels which is 1.5"

triples until


all the knurling really tore up my thighs but my back feels stroong

yoke walk 60'

620 14 seconds

best yoke run of my life

Suicide Medley all 60'
200 keg, 225 keg, 280 duck walk 500 sled drag

used kegs since I haven't filled up my ironmind bag yet. flew with those. Need more work on duck walk and sled drag and better shoes for both

Thursday, June 7, 2012

axle deadlifts

Forgot I am going to the San Jose Improv to see Joey Diaz on Thursday so sure just take 1 day off after a contest than train 3 days in a row, sounds great.....

2" Ironmind Axle power cleans


Axle deadlift


didn't want to go balls out this week, trying to be somewhat smart for once

Why not do heavy ass 17" deads with an axle? that sounds easy on my sore back

550x10 just getting the grove back for this movement

1 arm db rows

115 3x12

medcine ball slams

25s 3x20

ab roll outs
+45 3x8

Events Saturday, two days of rest is needed

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

back to pressing

Axle Press out the rack

left hand had some nerve pain racking the weight, that must be a good sign..........

253x3 PR

Axle strict

183 3x3

Dead hang pull ups

+25 3x6

incline rear delt raise


hammer curls

a lot hurts right now.........

back it at, squats

Good enough today isn't always good enough tomorrow!

Front squat

315x5 pretty easy not a bad start back. I want to be hitting 405 for reps with no wraps


3x10 each leg big pr. kept feeling easier and easier. Interested to see if this experiment pays off

Hanging leg raise 


Good mornings 3x10

Monday, June 4, 2012

Washington's Strongest Apple IV Contest Writeup

This is one of my favorite comps and I was planning on doing it to test my cut back to 175 against some of the best competition out there but the original date of June 16th happened to be the date of OB's wedding. When it got changed to the 2nd 5 weeks out I started training for it and really dialed in my diet.

You can read more about what I did to diet back down to 175 here http://kallebeckstrength.blogspot.com/2012/05/dieting-down-to-175.html

The Weight Cut

started water loading Monday and cut out all carbs and tried to limit sodium as much as I could. Got a 6:30AM flight and had a protein shake with a ton of peanut butter and 60 grams of whey on the way to the airport and that was my last meal other than a few cups of straight black coffee. Checked my weight on the oldest scale I've ever seen in my life at the hotel and it said I was 190!! Instead of freaking out (can't say I didn't a little) I took a 15$ cab ride (each way) to another hotel to check my weight on a real scale. I was 180.4.... You know you haven't ate a thing when cherry flavored magnesium citrate tastes amazing. 

Weigh ins were at 3PM about 40 minutes from the contest venue and I didn't get to check my weight again till about 12:30. Since my sister who was driving from 3 hours away got a flat on the way and was bringing me a scale. Judging from how the night/morning went I figured I was easily on weight but it said I was 177.8. I did a little homemade hotel bathroom sauna and lost about a lb. took a break went on the elliptical for 15 minutes and hit the bathroom sauna for another 20 minutes and left for weigh ins at 175.8. Drove to weigh ins wearing two jackets with the heater slightly on sweated the whole way there and weighed in at 175.2. 

Putting the weight back on

Downed some pediylate and water till i stopped shaking. My core temperature was really high and i was still sweating. I walked around the parking lot in the cold for awhile till my heart rate went down and ate at Trappers Sushi, I dumped a ton of soy sauce into my miso soup and my rice and ate a few rolls. looking back I should have stayed safe and got something more simple like beef teriyaki and rice. I just love sushi though!

ate some sugary candy and cookies while sipping water and than mixed 1 scoop of GH nutrition second wind and 2 scoops of ESP Nutrition Power Thru in 26oz of water. I would drink that, than 26oz of straight water than the blend, a few times. I started to feel human again after this! 2 hours after weigh ins I weighed 184.4

ate dinner and got an extra thing of chicken and rice to eat in  the morning. woke up every 90 minutes or so to get more fluid in me and left to the comp at 8AM weighing 188.6

Pre Comp

It was a wet cold morning which gave me flashbacks to California's Strongest Man, I know I could handle that but I kind of like some sunshine! Played around with the equipment. damn that yoke is WIDE and the dumbbell was massive!! Got my shirt, shot the shit with everyone, handed out samples of ESP Nutrition Power Thru and MaxForce N.O

Yoke walk 670lbs 80' up an incline

My 2nd worst event but I was feeling pretty good! I took off and felt good until midway when my yoke banged into the ground with every step. Rookie mistake! I needed the yoke a notch lower. This is so stupid I have a strong squat so the pick is never a problem.... Probably cost me first place.

Result 47.7 (PR still) Seconds. Patrick won with 35. 2nd place

425 Deadlift for reps no straps 

up and down commands! I was very furious at myself for the big blunder in the yoke but i have learned to take strongman event by event. Time to deadlift!!

I started to feel a little light headed around rep 7, was shaking a lot. I didn't re hydrate good enough between events. ended up with 10, couldn't finish the hitch on the 11th. Tie for 2nd with Benji. Patrick got 12 for the win. 

135 Circus Dumbbell

I knew this was my time to make up points. I've been hammering this event in training and hitting 8 reps with my homemade bell at will. From experience that can mean jack shit when it comes to comp though since implements differ so much. This thing was huge and brand new with SLICK paint. The handle felt bigger than 3" and was slipping out of my hand a bit on the clean. I hit it with 115 than did 2 singles with 135 in warm ups so I knew I would be OK.

Hit the first one easy, rushed and missed the 2nd at lockout. Benji had fought for 1 rep at the end and I hadn't seen Patrick hit one next to me yet so I slowed things down. Hit another rep and stood there, felt like doing another asked the crowd and of course missed it. WHOOPS!

1st place. made up 4pts. HUGE

240 farmers walk 160' turn at 80'

Now for my worst event! silly grip, of course these are hard implements as well. I did the math and figured I would either be .5 behind or ahead if i got 3rd going into the last event. Patrick blistered the course in 32 seconds and vice grip Benji bested it with 30 seconds. I went for broke and sprinted with the farmers but my grip wouldn't contain. Once I knew I had 3rd secured I saved myself since it was all going to come down to the kegs!!

Keg Carry & Load

4 kegs weighing 180,200,220,250 carried from distances of 10,15,20,25ft respectively and loaded onto a 50" platform The standings going into the kegs was Me & Benji with 11.5pts and Patrick had 11. Lets go!!

Patrick loaded all 4 in a good time and I was going head to head with Benji so I knew I was going to have to move! My training has been phenomenal for this event so I was very confident. 
Me and Benji were neck and neck through the first 2 but I pulled away on the 3rd and even more on the 4th. I took a second to stand it upright and finished in 38.44 which was actually the third fasted time between all the lightweight classes (175,200 and 231) I was fired up! This was the hardest I've ever fought for a contest and when you come out on top it is a great feeling. 


This contest gave me everything I wanted out of it. I've never been pushed harder or in a more competitive comp. I learned a ton about the weight cut and feel this was the perfect tune up for the Dallas Plat+. Can't wait for August! 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

a whole bunch of whatever

just felt like doing a few things without rhyme or reason

Incline bench


Military press

185 3x5

stone trainer 3x5

stone trainer rows 3x5


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

presses and pullups add a little more weight

didn't plan on training but couldn't help myself

Axle clean & press. Clean each rep


easy stuffs

Weighted pull ups

+25 3x5 pr +5lbs

incline db bench

85s 3x8


jump rope

hot tub

Dieting down to 175

After competing in the 200lb class at nationals in 2011 my motivation was low. I ate like crap for the rest of the year and got up to around 210lbs. When it was announced that there would be a 175lb strongman world championship at the Arnold in 2013 I paced my house for the rest of the day. I was so fired up! I knew what I have to do and started getting to work.

I decided I can't waste one day with a bad training session. My diet needs to be on point. Here is what I did

My meal plan is so simple I decided to keep my strength I didn't want to do anything drastic. I started cheating less. I guess you could say my diet is 90% paleo a sample day almost always looks like this. Most of my food is organic with grass fed beef/bison and fish (talipia, salmon) as the main meat sources I just can't stand eating chicken a lot

wake up 5:30AM

Meal 1 6:15am Shake consisting of
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup spinach or kale
1 cup greek yogurt
28grams whey protein
1tsp cinammon
little over a cup of almond milk

meal 2 9:30AM

1 oz raw almonds
28gram whey protein
an apple

Meal 3 12:30PM (training day)
6oz grassfed steak
4oz sweet potato
1 cup of green vegetable

Meal 3 (rest day)

6oz talipia
huge mixed salad
2 tbs EVOO

meal 4 3:00-3:30PM

1 cup greek yogurt
20grams whey protein
dash of cinammon
1tbs strawberry jam (training days) 1tbs peanut butter (rest days)

1 scoop ESP Nutrition Max Force N.O 4:30-5:00PM

5:00-530PM train 2 scoops ESP Nutrition Power Thru sipped throughout

meal 5 7:00-7:30PM 6oz meat
tons of veggies sometimes sweet potato, rice, etc

if i was hungry i'd eat something again around 9:30 protein shake with peanut butter, some eggs. something with protein and fat.

my training stayed basically the same as before. I did add in more conditioning work and my job has changed where I walk a lot more than before. Lots of super sets, shorter rest peroids. All my accessory work I would try to keep my heart rate fairly high. About twice a week I finish off with kettlebell swings, medicine ball slams, high rep clean & press, sprint intervals on an airdyne, etc

I cold brew 1/2 gallon of green tea with 6 bags (a pack of 100 is 12 bucks at costco) and add 1/4 of it to 3/4 of water and drink that every day. been doing this for about a month and it seems to help more caffeine more gooder I say.

I add cinnamon to everything! It helps with insulin sensitivity is cheap and makes things taste better. I add it to all my vanilla protein shakes

If my weight loss would stall or I started to feel sluggish in the gym I would cheat, get a pizza. go out too eat, etc. Sometimes for an entire week. When I went back to my normal diet I would start to lose weight/get leaner within a few days. I guess these are called refeeds or carb ups and kick the metabolism back up again.

Saturdays my event day I would eat a ton more carbs. Sometimes even eat french toast before training. I know I burn a shit ton of calories doing strongman events for 4 hours and since I train for so long I don't get my normal 5-6 meals in, usually 3 maybe 4 so I wouldn't worry about it. I stop that and all cheating as it gets closer to a competition and having to make weight.

I would also like to note that my weight has been hovering around 185 for about 2 months. I lost the actual scale weight quickly. My weight would get up to as high as 193 on cheat weeks and as low as 181 when back to dieting I have added muscle and lost fight in a few cycles this way to get to my current state.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

presses & pullups

late start but at least I had some carbs in me

Log strict press

245x0 got it almost above my head blah

Super set of

Weighted Pulls ups

20lbs 4x5 PR

Axle clean & press (clean each)

173 4x5

Incline reverse db flies


lateral raises


Hammer curls 3x10

Band tricep pushdowns


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Squats 'N Snatches

Good energy going into training. Rare for a Monday

Power snatch

175x2 miss third PR haha shit form with press out but whatev's

Front squat no belt

300x5 beltless pr


some pistols I actually got some with my left leg today

medicine ball slams

Weighted ab rollouts


these were damn hard but felt awesome. I was just testing them out but they are staying for sure.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Washington's Strongest Apple 3 weeks out

Yoke walk 80'

up to 660 for 1 run

My yoke still sucks but I got it done. Sadly this is a pr.... Can't wait to use a good yoke on PAVEMENT it will feel so much easier. It always does.

Circus DB

130lbx7 PR+1 rep in 60 seconds (8 total)
130x8 PR+2 reps!

 I've really turned this event into a strength when it was a weakness. I am real happy with it!

Log clean and press each rep

Just threw 205 on it and did 12 in 60 seconds mostly 1 motion. Wasn't too hard

Thursday, May 10, 2012

deadlifts and other stuff

Was pretty excited to deadlift till i remembered I was out of chalk. I should have used straps but didn't want to throw my form off since i am just getting used to pulling mixed grip again anyway.



hands feel like hamburger this morning my grip stinks. Not bad pulling 480x5 with straps is my best 515 in a suit touch n' go  I am going to match 480x5 without straps next week

Axle stiff leg deadlifts DOH

233 3x3

Incline DB bench

85s 3x10

incline db rows

85s 3x10

"grace" with an ironmind axle

135lb clean and press 30 reps

did it in 1:51 it was pretty damn easy I guess my conditioning is better. Hardest part was counting to 30

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday= squats

going belt less on my front squats for awhile. They always do me good. Only thing adding the belt helps is my ego.

Front squat (no belt)


some pistols haha did 10 with right leg. my left leg wouldn't work today even though my  left leg is way stronger and last time I did these I had the opposite problem

back squat


Hanging leg raises


filled up my Ironmind sandbag with 200lbs of sand for some fun this weekend

Sunday, May 6, 2012

WA Strongest Apple events 4 weeks out

I passed out on my couch at 8:30PM Friday night woke up at 4:30 back in bed by 5 and slept again till 7am that felt pretty damn amazing. 

Hit the events a little earlier than normal in the day after a good breakfast 4 cups of green tea and 2 scoops of max force

Yoke walk 70'

picks and short starts up to 540

610 in about 25 seconds. PR still slow, still sucks but it is getting better. Just got to keep working

Circus Dumbbell

warm ups with 2" plate loaded db

circus dummbell

130x5 in 60 seconds
130x8 in 90 seconds

90lbs on 2" db 2x10 with left arm 

Farmers Walk 

210x140ft turn at 70

turn sucked grip felt good

Friday, May 4, 2012

Deadlifts actually feel good?!

Felt awesome for a change. I knew I just needed some lighter training and rest.

Deadlift just a belt dead stop reps

425x9 PR no straps. pr with straps is 10 and I lost balance hitching the 10th....

I baby powdered my thighs and when I tried to hitch the 10th it kept sliding DOWN when jerking it up haha

DO Stiff Leg Axle deadlifts

213 3x3

good mornings 3x10

incline db curls 75s 3x10

kettlebell swings

70 3x25

airdyne sprints 60 seconds on 30 seconds off 4 rounds

great day of training

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Learning to jerk it with wobbly legs

Surprisngly not very sore today after squats yesterday. That is unless I have to bend down or walk up stairs... Also blew out another pair of jeans today.

Axle Press

240x5 PR

not very explosive, basically push pressed

Close grip sling shot bench

275 3x3

3x8 circuit of

db lateral raises
incline db flies
incline db reverse flies
hammer curls

My upper body is weak right now, overhead is still ok since I get good leg drive but lockouts feel soft. With my wrist injury it was preventing me from doing much upperbody work the last month or so and it shows. Time to build back up!

squats squats squats

Front Squat no belt
315x3 PR
335x1 PR

Practice kb snatches

yeah i don't know how to do these......

Back squat

225 3 sets of 20

This was tough, I feel better this morning than I thought I would this morning. Sure tomorrow will be worse. Walking back to the squat rack was the worst part

Ab pulldowns


Sunday, April 29, 2012

WA Strongest Apple training 5 weeks out

Decided to keep it light on moving events with how beat up I have been. I got to work on mainly my foot speed anyway.

Yoke walk 60' turn go back 120' total

540x1 both were about 11 seconds..... need to get faster

2" Plate loaded db
55x5 each arm
105x2 right arm

12" circus db

130x6 PR+2 reps
130x6 hit a pr and did it twice! 

tried with left arm and I don't got it

left arm 80lbs on 2" db


farmers wak  120' turn at 60' no belt

120 warm up
190x1 decent, mainly wanted to get work on the turn in haven't done that in awhile and never been good at it

keg load over 52" bar



decent session I need to be smarter with my programming and not just beat the shit out of myself constantly. Today was a good start

Friday, April 27, 2012

Deadlifts cause I have too

Planned on taking the whole week off but Wednesday I got 10 hours of sleep and felt good.


Just a belt no stappys

425 3 sets of 5

Felt odd to pull mixed grip again felt SLOW but strong,

Stiff leg deadlifts

315 3x3

1 arm db row

70lb kettlebell 2x8
155lb db 20 reps with right arm 10 with left
70lb kettlebell 20 reps with left arm

pull ups

70lb kettle bell swings 75 swings

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

3 sets of 20 on squats is never a good idea

Sleep would have probably been more beneficial than squats but these knees ain't gonna disappear by themselves

Front squat

335x1 felt hard..... I can hit this for an easy 5

decided to punish myself for feeling weak.

body weight on bar back squats (185)

hanging leg raise


3x20 it wasn't hard but i literally feel down walking up my stairs to go to the shower. I want to do a set of 100 one day when I really hate myself. Work is going to be wonderful today with 2.5 hours of sleep and SORE legs but it's all worth it. Celebrating done! 26 was by far my favorite year yet but 27 has been just amazing so far. I got big goals this year and I will make them all happen

Monday, April 23, 2012

Birthday events in the heat

Saturday...... Wake up my whole body hurts my head feels cloudy and a bit disconnected from my body. Between winning my highland games which made my upper back hurt down to the bone the deadlifts on Thursday made the rest of my body feel the same way. Yup I must be 5 weeks out from a contest feels about right.

Big breakfast 4 cups of coffee 2 scoops of Max Force and lets go

It got up to almost 100* at my house it was rough but hey i got to work on my much needed tan!

Axle press

tried cleaning it but it just jacked my wrist up so i went out of the rack again and mummified my wrists like I have been doing. 

203x3 felt heavy..... great
223x9 got a decent rhythm still felt a little off missed the 10th which would have been a 10lb pr over last week which felt EASY i feel beat up and as my upper back tired my rack got lower so thats why i missed the 10th. Happy it went as well as it did

Yoke 60ft

470x2 this felt shitty
660x about 10ft  knew i didn't have it in me today. I did 600 no belt 2 weeks ago so yoke is better just need to train it smarter

Keg carry

WA strongest Apple has a keg carry and load 4 kegs 180,200,220,250 staggered from 10-25ft away and loaded onto a 50" platform. All i have right now is a 250 keg so I 

went carry it 
25ft mock load
20ft mock load
16ft mock load
12ft mock load

felt pretty easy

waited awhile

carried it 100+ft back to the garage. damn near sprinted with it. I remember last time I was in the 175s a 250 keg i had to waddle with now it feels like play weight

I also swung on monkey bars cause its my damn birthday and I am feeling old.

I am much better now then I was as a kid 

Went out for my birthday and had a lot of fun! Met a lot of new people. When your short it happens every time when people have heard about me or seen pictures they always think I am going to be bigger than I am lol. Nope I am 5'6 on tall days and just over 180lbs. I'm built like an action figure just actual size .

I think I've done more celebrating for this birthday than any other going out to dinner at my favorite restaurant tonight then I am back on the grind. this cycle of training will be amazing I've gotten lean for me now it is time to get shredded brah and stronger than ever.......

deadlifts? damn near killed me

This was Thursday. Good ole week 4 of coan/philipi deadlift routine when you want too increase your deadlift by another 40lbs. Is fucking tough, it sucks it makes you feel like dog shit for a week and that is if you actually get the reps in......

BW 182



455 3x3

stiff legs

365 3x3

25lb medcine ball slams

50 in 83 seconds (pr lol)

I missed 545 the first time and got my head right i decided to pull till i die and it went up...... very exhausting and taxing workout. So exhausting it took me 3 days to write it down

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Putting in Overhead work

Upper back is still TOAST just wanted to nap but I got my MaxForce N.O to carry me through!

12" Log Strict press


15lbs heavier and 2 less reps sounds about right..........

12" circus db

130x4 PR+1 rep still sucks but better is better

Happy I was able to press out reps on the db brute strength is up, need better technique badly



1 arm overhead press strict

db lateral raises

bb front raises

3x8 done fast

As I recover I will up the volume. Trying to save up for a big deadlift day Thursday.....

Weight was 182 this morning I walk A LOT for work lately. Guess I need to up my calories. Don't mind if I do

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Squat day

Upper back is so damn tight and sore from the highland games still I knew back squats would be fun

Power Snatch

170x1 PR but big press out lol not going to count it

Back squat

365x5 wanted 10, but I couldn't keep my back tight. I knew I wouldn't be 100%

5 second paused front squats

275x3 PR


these are brutal..... my abs felt like they wanted to die

hanging leg raise


Ardenwood Highland games

A few years ago I decided to just have fun with strength sports. I just did whatever comps I felt like. Powerlifting, Highland, Highlander, Strongman, etc. This was a blast and I loved the highland games, more laid back attitude and most of all the people. I met some great friends at the games!

What it all made me realize though is how strongman is and will always be what does it for me even though it is by far the most demanding and hardest on the body. You just can't get the same feeling of euphoria from complete exhaustion, pain and accomplishment that deadlifting a car or pulling a semi truck gives you by throwing a rock. Last year I decided to get focused and concrete on trying to be great at one thing and not mediocre at a few.

Luckily I have a long time between comps right now and I really missed hanging with some of my best friends so I was able to go up to Ardenwood and throw on Saturday.

I was real rusty and 1 or 2 days of practicing throwing would have done me good (mainly on hammer) but I wanted to take away as little as possible from my strongman training. I was already missing an event day.

The ride up was nothing but laughs stopping along the way to pick up Tony and Lucian. Seeing what Portlandia food Lucian brought with him and Tony scolding his mouth not realizing how hot Lucian keeps his hippie tea and being pissed about it the rest of the day.

Quick recap
Results from Ardenwood Highland games. Braemer 26.9 PR +1'2" Open stone 30'9" PR +9" Light Weight for distace 41'7" PR + 8'7" Light Hammer 66'1" PR+ 4' hit 12' on weight for height. Had more height but wasn't making it go over the bar

All in all a good day, stones felt good and the LWFD pr was super surprising.  Pretty much everything after lunch felt awful. I did those dumb Ardenwood stones farmers walk again and all it did was make me angry. They suck for everyone but suck even more if your short and wide like me. I hate hammer, I really really hate hammer. my Heavy hammer sucked so bad but somehow I managed a pr in the light hammer. 

WOB was fun and I just wanted to leave by the time the caber came around.  Can't lie it made me want to practice a bit and do another one

Thursday, April 12, 2012

deadlifts fueled by rage

Was in a great mood all day. Had a bunch of caffeiene only had to work a half day at work then as I am getting ready to dead 405 i get a knock on my door about my dogs and it made my good mood go away quickly......

515x2 BLAH
felt like crap but I did it.......
425 3x3
also felt like crap


stiff leg deads 3x5


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Strict Log press/shoulders

While I work on my axle I will do my strict presses with the log. This is how I always do it

Bodyweight 184

Log Strict Press


really wanted 10! not getting that rep when it was so close was annoying


Tried to bench but it really bothered my injured wrist

Big circuit of

db side raises

bb front raises

band face pulls

band tricep pulldowns

band ab pulldowns (kneeling)

all 3x10

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Fresh hair cut and a new shirt I can't not PR on events

Had zero motivation today I actually drank my pre workout and took a nap, woke up drank some more and finally got going around 1:30. Got a shirt from my sponsor too!

Axle press out the rack going off a 253 training max

213x10 easy, Haven't done axle in while so its a PR


Yoke belt less 60'

610x1 belt less PR slow as sin but never done 600+ beltless and with 0 drops core is getting stronger

yoke zercher walks

330x2x60' not a fan..........

yoke squats from 44"

up to 860 for no reason at all

wrist is feeling better but still hurt on some stuff. Can't wait for it to be 100%

Friday, April 6, 2012

Deep Squats

Squatting like this for awhile.

Hi Bar Squat

315x10 wanted 20 but i pussed out. very doable though

Hanging Leg Raise



Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Deadlift training week 3

Despite all the shit that going on in life I always find time to train. Damn does it take the stress away


485x2 easy

Speed deadlifts

385 3x3

I pulled a damn  perfect rep for my 1st on the 3rd set really pulled the slack out of the bar right

stiff leg deads

315 3x5

didn't have time for anything else but still a productive day

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lazily training events

wrist a little poo poo still but whatevs lets move some weights

Log Press

255x4 felt a little off ties pr but its routine now
225x8 got tired all were easy should have had 10

Olympic squats no belt no thing close stance hi bar ass to the floor


easy i really liked these going to stick to them for awhile. My quads are real sore after training, like I need them to get any bigger 34 waist jeans are about 3" to big right now and tighter then ever in my legs what to do?

Stones over 52.5 yoke (shitty)

250 3x3 some misses I wasn't exploding as good as normal keep working!

bodyweight is 188 getting leaner eating poptarts yea boy

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

week 1 modified coan DL routine 565-600

Redoing the coan routine. Now that I have ran it 4-5 times sometimes with great success others not so much I do my own version. With dieting I lower the volume on assistance work.


455x2 soooo easy felt good for about 8

Speed deadlifts

365 3x3

Stiff leg deadlifts

275 3x5

Pendlay rows

225 3x5

Good mornings

25lb medicine ball slams 50 reps in 90 seconds it honestly wasn't even that bad. I don't know what got into me i remember hating doing sets of 20s on these.

Monday, March 26, 2012

First event day back

Did Californias Strongest Man last week but pretty sure everyone knows that already.

Log press

255x1 with an awful clean
285x a bunch of bullshit the first time in my life I was having trouble cleaning the log i think my upper back is a bit worn out and i couldn't pull it in tight to me. Got a decent clean did a odd split jerk thing had it locked out tried to get my feet back together and lost balance and had to bail. Oh well strength is there.
 clean each rep

205x8 in 60 seconds 1 motioned. I think the last two I pressed normal. These will do me good in the long run

I am done working on max log for a bit. Going to give my axle some attention in case that is what comes up in August I know if it is log I am good and can easily prep for that in 12 weeksAlso BIG attention on circus db. Stupid thing

Axle power cleans

 tried to snatch 173 lol grip held but i don't know how to snatch so it turned into a wide grip power clean that landed above my head and got pressed out. Funny i think my best snatch is 175.

193x3 annnnnnnd my wrist got jacked

I had already tweaked it doing arm over am at CSM but didn't really think about it, should have been wearing wrist wraps! hurt to flip burgers I made that night lol

Yoke 60ft

540x2 decent speed good starting point this will be hammered

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Last Log Presses before Californias Strongest Man

Got a late start didn't start lifting till 6:30 I like to start at least an hour earlier had ate some cheesecake. Took my maxforce and was ready to go! 

Log press

265x3 PR +10lbs
235x7 PR +15lbs

1 motion clean each

185x10 this was the worst haha. Going to start doing these after my heavy sets to prepare for whatever strongman fitness qualifier I do 

Thats it, it was late and I get up to damn early

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Coan deadlift week 4 feeling strong

yea lets dos its


495x2 felt pretty easy and strong

"speed" deadlifts

405 3x3 strong and fast

SLDL's i did this how deadlift doug carrol told me to so I lowered the weight this FRIED my low back and hamstrings! Thanks Doug much better way.

225 3x8

skipped the rows and stuff as I have a bit of joint pain

airdyne sprints 30 seconds 1 minute rest I had the thing maxed out did 5 rounds it was AWFUL

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Log Press pink belt power

Got home and instantly got a splitting headache great way to start a workout

warm ups felt awful but looking at the tape were explosive and solid. Don't always trust your mind!

Log press

255x4 PR+15lbs

I love how as I get stronger my technique gets worse. As long as the weight goes up


Axle Strict Press

183x8 PR+1 rep I had 10 I felt strong on the 5th rep I lowered it way out in front of me

circuit of

Axle press

123 3x10

side raises 3x10

bb front raise 3x10

reverse ring flies 3x10

grass fed tri tip