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Friday, October 22, 2010

10/22 OH Squat/circus db

Power Snatch into Overhead Squat

Overhead squat
185x1 PR+30lbs

Circus DB
(each arm)
140x1,1,1 (right only) PR
95x5 both arms

frame hold x2 sets of about 40 seconds
frame deadlift

sandbag picksx5

decent day, raining outside so I modified the stuff, still very productive

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/19/10 Deadlift day

BW 181

add Metal deadlifter I guess I got to start pulling in it again with Nats coming up
405x5 supposed to be 3 but I just felt good pulling, haha
455x9 PR!!!

I had it in my head I could hit 10 which seemed real lofty but you got to go for it!
I don't put much faith in 1rm calculators but this is 30lbs over my previous best so that has to be a good sign. Also Just realized its 2.5xbw so to almost pull that for double digits. Pretty exciting, damn sure I have a 3x bodyweight pull in me.

Ring rows 3x10

70lb kettllebell swings 3x20

Now I feel like someone hit me with a bat........

Monday, October 18, 2010

10/18/10 Axle C&P

Trained a little over the weekend but was very busy.

Axle C&P
clean each rep

203 3x3
173x10 power cleaned each rep

I was making a few mistakes on my continental clean, so i fixed that, 3 easy sets of 3.....

Pull ups dead hang 3 second pause at bottom

3x10 pull ups are improving! did all these unbroken..... I

1 arm db press

65 3x8

db curls 3x12

face pulls 3x15

Thursday, October 14, 2010

10/14/10 Front Squats & Sandbags

Full Squat Snatch, working on ducking under so I can get a bodyweight snatch

115 3x3

Front Squat

250lb Sandbag picks 2x10
couple o carries YES! figured this thing out, one less thing to worry about.

ab wheel roll outs 2x12

Little Met con

3 rounds 123lb axle power clean 15 reps 15 burpees

done in 5 minutes 17 seconds

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10/12/10 Deads

My neck feels pretty much fused in place and it hurts to turn it to the side but can't miss a training day!



haha this is the 2nd time I have misloaded this weight, was supposed to be 430 tied what I got last time but this was damn easy, I didn't want to push it and give my neck some sort of a break. Next week it will be 455 and it will be a rep fest.

1 arm db rows 3x10

little circuit I think crossfit people call them a met con, whatever that means.

3 rounds

ring rowsx10
hanging leg raisesx12
db swingsx20

Going to get an A.R.T appointment for hopefully tomorrow and fix my neck and having a little bit of a left shoulder impingement, might as well correct it now.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekends training

10/10/10 Highland throwing with some strongman

some caber, sme lwfd, some more caber, log press up to 215x2 or was it 3? in the grass in a kilt.....

Setup a retard medley 145 log press clean each rep 5 reps throw LWFD 125-160ft run back backwards prowler drag 125-160ft then do 3 attempts or 1 flip on the caber

This sucked bad, that backwards drag was ridiculous and full of suck. I don't think this was well thought out as My whole left leg went numb what should I do next try to flip a caber! haha

did some more lighter log press, more prowler push/ sled drag. Doesn't seem like a lot but a lot was done.

10/11/10 Axle press

Thanks to Lucian for letting me borrow his brand new ironmind axle it helped as it is a slight different feel then my home made one.

Ironmind axle C&P

183x3* powerclean pr+7lbs
clean each rep
203x7 not sure if it was under 60 seconds but was close +3lb and +2reps pr
clean once
243x2 PR+3lbs and +1rep
123 clean each rep, 30 reps probably under 5 minutes

pull ups dead hang


1 arm db strict press

55 3x8

hammer curls 3x10

Saturday, October 9, 2010

10/9/10 Strongman events

farmers walk
up to 250x60' for 2 runs decent speed

Yoke walk 450x60'x4 runs

250lb sandbag LOTS of attempts and 1 carry for the full 60' which is a pr, then a ton of picks, I will be giving this a lot more attention in the next few weeks.

Stones 250 3x3 all the sandbag picks killed this

Didn't feel the greatest but it wasn't that bad, doing some highland throwing and some extra strongman stuff tomorrow.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

10/7/10 Front squat

Power snatch


Going to either go away from these or try to start doing a squat snatch and lighten the load. I've hit the wall of where I am going with these unless I improve technique.

Front squat

315x3 huge pr!


55 3x12

Decline situps plate held at arms length above chest

25lb plate 3x10 ouch

Tabata intervals on Airdyne these will never get easier.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10/4/10 Axle C&P 10/5/10 deadlifts


Axle C&P

230x2 PR+10lbs
3" axle c&P 3 reps clean each rep this thing is just retarded when you got hands like that burger king guy. tweaked something in my right trap
back to the 2"
170x10 clean each rep, power cleaned about 7 of them.

tried to bench but my left shoulder is still a little jacked from the stupid hammer throw Saturday.

Just finished up with 3x10 dead hang pull ups and 3x10 dips

10/5/10 Deadlifts

405x2 had my belt to tight had to breath a little regroup
405x12 pr+2 reps

zercher squat from the pins


ring rows 3x10

ab wheel 3x10

55lb kettlbell swing 50 reps

Intervals on the Airdyne 90 seconds above 5krpm 30 seconds rest, 5 rounds until my legs balloned up with lactic acid.

Monday, October 4, 2010

10/2/10 Santa Cruz Highland Games Writeup

This was my 3rd highland games and the first time I actually trained the events leading up to it, it kind of paid off, main these things are fun.

Braemar Stone 22lbs this is basically like a shot put from a standing position with a river rock.

I think I improved each throw, ended with 23'9" a 2'8" PR and one of my better placings of the day with a 4th. I got a lot of improvement to come on this.

Open stone, similar to the Braemar but it is 16lbs and you are allowed a lead up with usually a glide. I chose to fore go this and do it Braemar style to stay on the safe side as I haven't got my glide down at all yet. got 29' 11.25" my first throw then decreased about 2' every throw after that. I was real excited to bust 30' after my first but made a few mistakes on my next two throws. still a 3'6" pr.

Light weight for distance. This is basically a 28lb chunk of metal on the end of a ring with two chain links. You twirl around in a circle to build up momentum and throw the thing as far as you can. If you are good you spin around real fast like the weight is propelling you, if you are like me you look awkward and try to muscle the weight. I got 29' 8.5" on my first throw and again thought I was going to surpass 30' but nope, mistimed the trig (the area you have to stay in while spinning around.) and had to let my throw go early or dq on my last two throws. I will be practicing in a trig more in the future. PR + 3'4.5"

Heavy weight for distance. Same as the light weight but doubled in weight to make me look even dumber. Out of fear/respect I chose to stand still and chuck the thing underhand like a sissy. In training I will start learning the spin with the 56 but I try not to try stuff out at comps I've learned it usually doesn't work. Improved each throw and got 15'4" a 1'4" PR

Heavy Hammer: a 22lb ball on the end of a 3/4 piece of wood/pvc you spin around your head and throw behind you, if your good it looks like your throw would take out half a dozen charging invaders from 60+' away with the thing if your me you just want it to end.

I must have been busy picking flowers or doing cartwheels but I forgot to warm up and just started spinning a 22lb ball on a bendy stick over my head and pulled something in my left shoulder it went a whole 36' or so feet. My second throw I got 47'7.5" for a 17' 6.5" PR still awful, this is probably my worst event but still big improvement.

Weight over bar: Pretty simple, I like simple a 56lb weight on the end of a ring with no chains pick it up tuck your balls up nice and tight and swing it between your legs try to get good extension and throw it over a bar you are standing under. You get 3 attempts per height and it goes up in 1' increments. One of my favorite lifts as you can kind of muscle it. Opened at 9' which would be a 4" pr for me but I knew I was good for 10' today. First attempt the mix of meat pies and multiple Rockstar Recoveries from lunch where starting to kick in and I got some serious gas. I gave it a nice heave ho over my head let out a little fart on the release and cleared it for a 4" pr, I went and farted in shame so I could really try for a big pr on 10' which might have been a mistake as I missed all 3 of my attempts. I think at least two had the height but I either hit the bar or threw it straight up in the air. My 2nd throw was real close and I got a little animated and threw a mini tantrum which either the crowd enjoyed, I let out a few sounds which didn't sound human in an attempt to keep it pg13 for the family crowd (something I probably should have done in between throws.) this was probably my biggest effort all day. Lesson learned practice with a bar to throw over, doesn't matter how high you can throw it if it doesn't clear the bar. Also swearing adds height

then they adjusted the uprights into the clouds and brought out some pitch forks, at this point I got nervous as I had never done this event before and instantly regretted all the times I fought with my mom over not wanting to clean the horse stalls growing up. Who knew that would be something that would carry over in life. If I try to describe this it will sound like I made it up. But I really doubt anyone is still reading my carb induced ramblings after eating an entire quiche. So it is a burlap bag filled with haggis or maybe its yarn that you stab a pitch fork threw and then attempt to throw over a bar.

This one was set at a cruel opening height of 20' with a 16lb bag. trying to get the pitch fork to penetrate the bag brought me back to some awkward times as a teenager. But I didn't watch video after video of people doing sheaf tosses in the dark growing up before doing it. (is it in? is that where it is?) then when i finally got it in it just slips right back out and I break into a cold sweat and awkwardly just jam it back in and do 3 quick pumps put my head down and walk back just glad its over. The 2nd attempt went better actually almost resembling what is supposed to happen. the third felt like I did it right but the stupid bag snagged on the end of the pitch fork on the release and feel just shy. I think with a few more throws I would have gotten it. Almost no one maybe 3 people cleared 20' on the sheaf.

CABER!!! final event, after sitting around for an eternity waiting for the good people to finish the sheaf and the a and b class did their caber before u peons in the c class the event I was most excited for and the only one most anyone actually recognizes from the highland games. I was READY! Firs they brought out this little bity toothpick looking thing and my training partner tossed it in a manner that was just uncalled for. Which was hilarious but my ego prevented me from laughing to hard as they quickly chucked this caber back onto the truck which prevented me from looking uber rawsome as I was up next.

A slightly bigger but still somewhat small caber was brought out. My training partner flipped the thing pretty much perfectly but was not credited with a 12 but I think an 11.55 haha I then went and picked the thing up easy dropped my hips and did a pelvic thrust that would be called "daggering" in Jamaica http://www.medindia.net/news/Rough-Intercourse-Lands-Jamaican-Men-With-Broken-Willies-50091-1.htm the thing flipped over and I shoot my hands up in the air and held my position like a 12 year old Chinese gymnast holds her dismount knowing a slip will result in never seeing her parents again. I was rewarded with a 11.45 on my first ever successful caber flip and got 3rd in the event. I got a little to cocky and botched my 2nd, I made my third harder then it should have been but still managed to flip the 17' 60lb caber albeit off to the side.

It was a fun day, if I offended you with my horrible sense of humor at the comp well you stopped reading a long time ago. Big thanks to my training partners Lucian "farmers market" Atkins for your constant teaching the techniques for us meat heads and your hospitality and Tony "Tank Top" Salerno a big big congrats for getting a very well deserved 1st place, also for getting me motivated to work on my bicep peak again.

Great time hanging out with a great group of guys Highland games are something else.