Yoke 60'
600x70' 1 drop
This was ok everything is harder on gravel! first time doing more then 1 set with 600 on the yoke, way ahead of where I expected to be with the yoke still about 12 weeks out
simulated car dl
Not sure how I feel about this movement.
circus db
55x6 3 each arm
75x6 same
105x6 same
easy presses need better collars to not have to worry about setting the db down
Medley Keg carry 250,225 prowler drag all around 60' (drag a little more)
accidentally carried the heavy keg first which threw me a bit (couldn't remember which keg was which haha) wasn't sure how heavy to load the prowler as I didn't even know how it would go dragging it through pretty high pea gravel. I think I had it with 210 of weights+ the weight of the prowler I had to be real deliberate with my feet so couldn't be fast but still did it in just under 60 seconds so this is a good sign.
Atlas stones
230x6 over 42" yoke bar. easy reps wanted to start light as I have plenty of time and wanted to build the confidence up as I have struggled with stones and haven't trained them in awhile. It was a little impromptu setup as after the move I don't have the spot for my stones setup, A small piece of wood laying around so I focused way to much on trying to make sure the stones didn't roll into the gravel which i was unsuccessful with. Next week this will be taken care of.
Over all a long event day I don't usually train that many events but if I want it I got to do it. I have felt a little off all week and I think I now know why. I tried a mma class ONCE earlier this year and proceeded to get a staph infection on my chin it cleared up after awhile and then flared up again with my throat swelling up. Well today this progressed real fast so I got to go to the doctor in the morning and get some antibotics in the morning. Real annoying thankfully it is a deload week and I just hope it doesn't zap my strength and the progress I've been making lately.
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