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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Back Squat

335x8 Ties all time PR

go a little deeper next time, squats felt so damn easy. I got a little bored mid set, you can see me just look down and not respect the weight..... going up to 365 next week.

Super Set

Decline situps weight held at arms length

45 3x8+10lbs


55 3x8+10lbs

Rolling thunder

5x3 with 90-130lbs I suck at these

Sunday, November 28, 2010

11/28/10 Log press and Bench

I helped a friend move some stuff this morning, came home ate lunch and had zero appetite. Felt like crap, napped for an hour then took some Jacked. Felt ready to smash weights!

12" Log C&P
235x2 missed 3rd

I was watching the insane video of Carlos Reyes pressing a 300lb Log and remembered the technique of putting your head ALL THE WAY BACK, stare at the ceiling it really helped. Should of had 3 but lost my breath bringing the log down for the 3rd. I think an all time 1rm PR is coming..... Next week

Close Grip bench Press

200x10 nice


Incline Log Press
185 3x8

205 3x8

Solid solid, no straps grip is awesome right now.

DB curls 2x8

DB Incline flies 2x8

Ab rollouts 2x10
Pinch grip 3 10lb plates per hand, left hand had thicker plates
30 second holdx2

Friday, November 26, 2010

10/26/10 Deadlift/events

BW 187..... Not bad considering day after thanksgiving. Funny how much better sweet potatoes are when made with brown sugar, butter, maple syrup and marshmallows.

Deadlift Dead Stop No Straps
430x5 probably a strapless pr, grip felt 100% solid which is biggest concern for the powerlifting meet. Pulling mixed grip and dead stop takes some getting used to so this is a good start. 455 for reps next week can't wait!

Damn the reps felt slow but look fast. Thats why I tape sets

Axle Power cleans
193x1 PR+8lbs I think

Axle deadlifts

303 3x10 dead stop mixed grips each set

Farmers walk 100ft


Backwards prowler drag through gravel
100' prowler+90 5 runs

BTW dragging through gravel SUCKS. I somehow managed to only fall twice, only one caused blood.

Now time to chop wood, move rocks, stack wood and demolish left overs.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

11/24/10 Overhead Pressing

I live up a gravel driveway, I had some time to dig out the drainage ditch today so the road doesn't wash out this winter. Ended up being a lot of work, so between squatting yesterday and all the digging I was pretty worn out going in.

12" Log C&P


Military Press (Paused)

Super set

Dead hang pull ups


1 arm db OH Press (strict)

55s 3x8, 1x6(L) 1x7(R)

Tri set 3x8

DB front raises
db curls
band face pulls

Shoulders are FRIED Log press is good, I had little pop from my legs after squatting yesterday, and digging today. but thats how I want it, press in worst case scenario. 220x5 is all time pr. Not far off

Paused military presses to work on power off the shoulders, pull ups where easy until rep 6 every set. the short rest breaks my shoulders where finally fried on the 4th set of 1 arm db presses.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

11/23/10 Back Squats

Right Now I am training for a powrlifting comp so I am going to start back squatting again. Kind of sick of front squats anyways. Should help to get my pure strength up over the winter.

Back Squat

OH squat (no belt)

135 3x5

Super Set

Crunches with weight held above head

35lb plate 3x12


45 3x12

Good day, happy with my squat for barely ever back squatting, really plan to get this lift up to all time levels and it will happen.

Time for Egg Nog

Sunday, November 21, 2010

11/21/10 Bench

Thankfully this isn't an event in strongman

Close grip bench
245x1 close to max lol

Super set


BO BB Rows

185 3x10

Hammer curls 3x8

this weeks training

11/17/10 Squats

OH Squat
205x1 PR+20lbs


Front squat


Back squat


This was tough!!!

11/18/10 Pressing

Log Press

Log push press 185x5


Pull ups dead hang


BB Military press

good starting point on the log, I want to get it up to 250ish in the next few months

11/20/10 Events

2" Ironmind Axle Deadlift

easy reps...... Damn i hate the axle ZERO bend in it and well of course the grip.

Yoke 100' no belt

Just working on speed and core strength..... damn shins already hurt

Stones to 48"
230,250,280 2 runs 280 was fairly hard the 2nd set. Cold today tacky didn't work that great and was an extra pain removing, Damn I hate removing tacky

then in the PM I hit some 18" deadlifts, haven't done the lift in forever and wanted to


635x1 PR+30lbs I think I need to get more of my plates to my new house didn't have any more room.

700 will happen

Thursday, November 18, 2010

2010 NAS Nationals Writeup

Where to start? I really didn't want to write this as I didn't want to come off as a whiny bitch, anyone who was around me last weekend has already heard it all! haha but that is why strongman is so great, I screwed up so its all on ME. I am really ready to put this contest behind me and come back better then ever for the next one. So I might as well write this to get it out of the way. I jacked my left wrist up about a month out and training suffered, This contest I feel like I did more then ever to be prepared for but also came in unprepared.

Made the 300 mile drive up over the mountains on Wednesday to Reno. No food/water and driving at 7,200ft at night got me a little light headed but easy drive and glad nationals was so close! Hung out, Corey Kenkel showed up a little before weigh ins, we went to weigh in at 11am with pediylate in hand. Weighed in at 173.5 or so. Ate a big meal and some Pediylate, The highest I got my weight back up to was 178. I really should have drank WAY more water and more snacks and gotten my weight up to 183 or so. Oh well lesson learned there.

Day 1 I was so damn nervous I woke up every few hours and didn't eat a real breakfast, just a bunch of snacks. It was warmer then expected which was nice, I really hate training when its cold.

first event 600lb Yoke/?? sandbag medley

Yoke felt SOLID I had two drops but I picked it right up without losing to much time, on these events I need to TRUST myself to be able to move faster. I can pick up whatever I want so if I drop it just pick it and start running again. sandbag seemed real light 180-200lbs?? fumbled the pick a little but then just picked it real high and started sprinting, I passed the 2nd place guy then got a little to excited, (i thought it was the 1st place) and forgot to breath, with having the sandbag so high I passed out for a split second. took me a few seconds to be able to pick the damn thing up and complete the course. Cost me 10 seconds and 1-2 points

Around 44 seconds. 4th place

second event 10" 150lb Slater Circus DB

I thought going into nationals this event would either win or lose a 175er the title and I was right. 150lb 1 arm press with something most don't have access to is a hard press. Well I was right, a lot of close attempts but I got a big fat zero. I had been hitting 140 for some singles in training on my home made DB But never hit 150. Can't really be disappointed, the one thing I should have really worked on is trying to get the right rack position even if I was not as strong with it off the bat.

third event Car deadlift HEAVY.

I was WAY WAY to overconfident going into this event, I mean if there is one event being 5'6 helps on it is a car deadlift. My deadlift has been going through the roof in training, last time my deadlift was this strong I pulled 13 reps on a car. Well this one was a tad heavier a little lower and a bit narrower. First I forgot my suit at home, I probably packed and repacked my bag 6 times but somehow still managed to forget a pretty important item. I strapped in and was trying to get air, I farted all over that damn car, sorry Brad Dunn! I pulled and pulled and felt it start to budge but thats all it was going to do. For some reason I tried to go almost into a full squat, then I tried my feet forward, my feet back. I tried ANY suggestion anyone had. Nope, nada no 175 lifted it but I should have. Here is a tip, if your good at an event but haven't done it in 10 months you just may need to train it once or twice to get the movement back in your brain.

I went to dinner with my mom and some family friends I haven't seen since I was 8. They probably think I am the an annoying arrogant asshole so they have a good sense of character.

Went to watch the end of the Womens competition wow that was impressive, the battle between Kristen Rhodes and Mellisa Garret was epic.

Went for another walmart run with Pat Wilson, Brandon McDonald, Brian Tabor. Hey us strongmen need our powerade 0 and bananas.

Day 2

Woke up a little early a little stiff but feeling better then expected. A real hot shower and a big breakfast helped. It was a bit cooler today which sucked.

Event four

Ironmind Axle C&P 200lbs clean each rep, 60 seconds.

Axle felt REAL light in warm up, A little easier to clean when off tires then bumper plates. I Double over hand gripped the first clean, pressed, EASY the first 2 where so easy i tried to keep that pace up, screwed my 3rd clean a little repostioning from over/under to DO which took something out of me and just gassed myself and missed my 4th. I should have trusted my grip and went DO the whole time, paced myself I could have gotten 5 like I have been in training. 1-3rd got 10,8,7 respectively so 5-6 wouldn't have exactly won me the contest. Still somewhat happy with this as I BOMBED this exact event in WA a few months ago.

I think there was a 3 way tie with 3 in 4th..... 1 more rep would have been nice

Event 5 230/250 keg 60' 500lb frame drag 60'

HOLY CRAP did this event suck, I was SLOOOOOOOOW with the kegs, something I am usually fairly fast at. I had zero and little time for the drag. I think I drug the frame about 18-22' before time ran out....... Another bad placing

Event 6, 500lb frame carry. OK my grip has always sucked, but damn this thing felt light. Having less control with the false grip i use it swinged a little, but I should have just SPRINTED and trusted my grip. As with every other frame/farmers carry in competition or training my false grip is good for about 11 seconds. On queue it just dropped out of my right (bad) hand at 11 or so seconds. Re picked and finished in about 18? seconds. I think this was 4th or 5th.... Slowest to complete. I am happy as it probably really is my best farmers/frame ever done in competition I just need to get my feet to move to under 11 seconds :)

Atlas Stones 220,260,300,330,360 to 54"

By this time it was COLD I wasn't paying attention and since I would be going close to first I didn't want to not have my tacky on, well for trying to be well prepared I ended up pacing in the cold covered in tacky and no shirt needing to pee for what seemed like 40 minutes. It might have been 5 but it was probably closer to 40. haha

I was a little worried about the high platforms, so I took a bit of time setting up on the first stone, HELLO you had nothing to lose and it was 220lbs! I was a bit faster setting up on the 260 and just threw it up. I sacrificed most of my tacky to the first two stones and my low back was pretty dead couldn't really get the 300 lapped. Oh well!

two stones in about 19 seconds? Think it was 3rd, maybe 4th. I could have moved fasted but oh well.

Well it was pretty disappointing but a lot of fun. Met a ton of cool people, whoever I ran into after 2AM I might not have made the best impression on but you probably where not in much better shape then me! haha

Just people watching is great when there is 150 or so strongmen, orange people with abzzz and a pedophile prom going on in the same hotel.

I have improved a lot but am far from perfect. I may never get there but will be a lot closer next time.