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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

11/24/10 Overhead Pressing

I live up a gravel driveway, I had some time to dig out the drainage ditch today so the road doesn't wash out this winter. Ended up being a lot of work, so between squatting yesterday and all the digging I was pretty worn out going in.

12" Log C&P


Military Press (Paused)

Super set

Dead hang pull ups


1 arm db OH Press (strict)

55s 3x8, 1x6(L) 1x7(R)

Tri set 3x8

DB front raises
db curls
band face pulls

Shoulders are FRIED Log press is good, I had little pop from my legs after squatting yesterday, and digging today. but thats how I want it, press in worst case scenario. 220x5 is all time pr. Not far off

Paused military presses to work on power off the shoulders, pull ups where easy until rep 6 every set. the short rest breaks my shoulders where finally fried on the 4th set of 1 arm db presses.

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