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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Log presses from yesterday

Got a late start, but got my spud deadlifting belt and other good stuff.

Log Clean & Press

250x3 ties pr this was much easier though and I am 10lbs lighter. Had an awful setup and didn't get full leg drive either

I liked pressing with the spud belt felt more stable of course its just small enough to work fully tight with a rehband soft belt underneath?! I'm getting so skinny I guess I need a medium? Thats just sad...

circus db

120 for 3 singles

I hate this thing, keep working it

strict press
up to 185x5 fairly easy

front raises

side raises

bent over rear delt raises

10 minutes airdyne 3krpm awful

bw 195


  1. I'm jealous big dog for so many reasons:
    1. I wanted to go down to the So Cal event too.
    2. I want to start training strongman.
    3. You have all these cool things to train on.
    4. I just hurt my back and I am living vicariously through your blog for the next two weeks.

    I'm holding off on the strongman until I hit some good marks in Highland competitions.

    1. lol thanks man, Ive collected this stuff over many years and some $$ too. good luck with recovery. Your a much better thrower then me man I don't get how people do it
