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Saturday, January 14, 2012

I'm BAAAACK and better than eva (events)

I got real sick knew I felt like shit Saturday so I was smaaart and took the week off I wanted to lift stuff by Thursday it was torture!

BW 195

Log press for maxie

225x1 like BOOM
250x1 left arm doesnt want to work?
275xseriously bro?

Farmers walk

up to 270x40ft

keg toss

pony kegs over a tall branch about 6 sets of 2
bunch of full kegs that did not go very high............

supersetted with chasing run away kegs down the hill I really didn't want to have to knock on my neighbors door "hey Mr. I think I threw my keg in your yard can I get it please?!"

Tire flip keg load medley 250 keg over 49 bar 750 tire

messed around the tire felt like doodie but than i put on rock climbing shoes said ok time to do the whole medley and murdered the thing.

250 kegx1
750 tirex3
keg x1

oh i don't have to do another set of tire flips? THANK YOU

can't wait to have better conditioning again just sitting around and work being slow I have even worse cardio than normal

some loads

some flips it really felt like doodie

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