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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hook grip deads and heavy keg

went to bed feeling like shit my throat is all scratchy I think my system is still not recovered from that stomach virus I got. Im gonna limit the eating completly cut out gluten for awhile give my body some time to recovery. Still felt strong though! just awful.........

Deadlifts 2nd week trying hook grip

used a texas deadlift bar its thinner felt so much easier....

455x3 2nd and 3rd reps were solid

deadlift feels great im about to pull some big numbers again just easing back in slowly no hurry. Last week I couldn't hook grip the 455 this week I did it for 3 and it was way smoother and better.
I am still having a problem where my first rep i am putting my hips to low than its all straightened out and I get the right position on every rep after.

felt bloated little sick and awful

225 kegx60 feet this thing is dented to hell and sucks so why not use the nice 300lb keg?
300kegx60feetx2runs yeah that was fun..... never even lifted a 300lb keg


Than I read the entry form and it says its a keg load WHOOPS but much better for me!


2 plates 150ft back and forth fast......

stomach felt real upset after this so i bummed around the gym for a bit

got 4 tacos and went home. Seeing Jim Jeffries stand up tonight!

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