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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Events with a full house

Doug and Kenny came down from Santa Rosa so we had 6 people doing events. Felt good to have a bigger group!

Started off with car deads

warmed up with bb deads

Car= Toyota Solara with "trunk full of shit" I think all my training partners can attest this was heavy!

handles far out 4 reps

handles in a bunch I think 12 or 13? couple wouldn't have counted in contest I just started ripping it off the floor and did 7 in under 10 seconds. I'll pace myself better next time and get 15

my quads got so damn sore from this and my ass!

Did a little work with the log. stopped early than Doug hit an awesome 225x3 strict press for a pr so I had to try :)

225x4 PR! my 1rm is 230 haha Nice when you can get that little push. Every rep felt like a max

350 Hussafel, mainly working on my pick. I struggled big  last time but now I just rip it off the ground.

Some farmers for 100'


300 20" stone to 53

3 reps in 60 seconds

2 reps


WAY to cautious I've finally figured out the lap on the bigger stones, since this was a HUGE pr not that long ago i gave it to much respect. I will attack it next week! I got 6 in me

great day!

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