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Monday, January 24, 2011

Coan/Phillipi Deadift Routine Week 2

Went to bed at about 2am woke up at 6:30 to find my power was out so no shower or breakfest, drive a few hundred miles between Sunday and today. To combat this I had two scoops of White Blue Raspberry Jacked (no I won't ever spell it with a 3 like USPLabs does) well unless they sponsor me and tell me too. I am easily bought. mixed with 1 can of Rockstar Recovery. This is probably the most potent pre workout drink imaginable and also the tastiest. Also good with Patron if you like to party. Anywho

Deadlift (80%): 1x2 @ 435 lbs

Speed deadlift (65%):
8x3 @ 355 lbs (90 sec rest b/w sets)

3 circuits (rest 90sec between exercises, 2-3 minutes between circuits):

Stiff-leg deadlift: 275lbs 8 reps

Bent over row: 225lbs 8 reps

Chinup: 8 reps

Went alright, lowered the stiff leg deadlifts 315 is doable but i will end up killing myself if i try to do that every week

week 3 and 4 are the make or break weeks in this program. If you get past that you reap the rewards. Also my upper back is growing, ultimate upper back thickness routine.

5 minutes on the airdyne maintaining 2,500rpm to cool down and rehab my groin.

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