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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Benching half asleep

the coan/phillipi program seemed to not be bad but the last two days my upper back is fried after that! Couldn't really get into a good bench arch but who cares. I have been waking up early this week and not adjusted yet. Trying to lay of the stimulants a bit so no pre workout drink going into this.


225x6 It is a pr of some sort Think its +1 rep PR I need to keep better track......

CG bench

185 3x5

Ring dips 3x5

Hammer curls

55s 3x12

band face pulls 3x12

Upper back is so fried epsom salt bath, lots of food and sleep is all I am doing the rest of the day. No particular order. Maybe at the same time.

I also read through about two years of my training log today. wow my progress is never linear. Very fast progress then stalling. If anything I did a good job of making good steady uphill progress this last 6-8 months.

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