Been busy and not really feeling like logging my training but of course still killing it.
Lately i get home after working all day drink my pre workout and have a real hard time getting going. I just want to nap but if i push through that after my warm ups I get fired up and still have good training sessions. Same way Monday when i front squatted 405x2 and was more of the same yesterday. No one is going to give you anything in this world but you can take from it whatever you want.
felt pretty easy other than my legs were already jello. i think it was about 100ft there and back, 2nd run i brought the bag straight back inside so i went at least 250ft with it.
felt light just had to stop to regrip, did 10 in 60 seconds than another 2 after
circus db
150x5 pr+1 rep
some left arm db work
Saturday events
Axle clean and press
up to 213x6 my clean transitions felt like shit oh wells. felt plenty strong
buddy was doing log press so silly me decided to do some
12" log press
275x1 PR+4lbs
300x you ain't getting this on a whim buddy!
felt real strong, the 300 clean felt pretty easy, it didn't feel crushing on my chest. i got decent pop. if i train my triceps heavy again and actually do log presses
farmers walk 50'
up to 260 a hand in 13 seconds. i am sure that is a pr for me. let alone on freaking gravel
stone shouldering
with 230 and 250 stone, wanted to get a feel for it. it never felt heavy but i was making a few mistakes that will be corrected in san jose!